In the state of Nevada, it is a misdemeanor ticket to ‘unsafely back up a vehicle’.
There is a fine that will come along with this citation and demerit points will be put on the persons driver’s license if convicted.
NRS 484B.113
This law pertains to the limitations of a driver on backing up.
Backing up a vehicle illegally in Las Vegas may come with a fine of approximately $205. In other cities throughout the state the fines will vary.
‘Backing Up a Vehicle Illegally’ can occur when a driver backs up into an intersection or sidewalk.
Backing up and going around a corner is a big NO.
If there are pedestrians or cars around and a driver backs up without yielding, a ticket may also be given.
Anytime a driver backs up when it is not safe can be considered ‘Backing Up a Vehicle Illegally’.
Ways to Fight a NRS484B.113 Ticket
Ticket Busters can help. There are many ways to defend a NRS484B.113 ticket.
There are times when a person gets a ticket and did not break the law. Maybe the defendant was responding to a situation and that was the safest option.
Sometimes the defendant is just improperly given the citation by the officer.
Our expert defense lawyers will protect your rights by doing our best to get the ticket properly handled, reduced or thrown out altogether.
How Many Demerit Points for ‘Backing Up a Vehicle Illegally’ Ticket?
In the state of Nevada 2 demerit points are put on a person’s drivers license if found guilty of a ‘Backing Up a Vehicle Illegally’.
The deal with these demerit points in Nevada is that they can add up.
If a person was to receive 12 in a one-year period then they may get their license suspended.
So, it is best to try and reduce the points or to get them removed.
Why Ticket Busters?
Ticket Busters will try to get this ticket reduced to a non-moving violation with no demerit points if possible.
There are many circumstances in which a driver may need to back up.
In some cases, if there is an accident and the driver finds themselves having to get the car off the road for safety reasons.
A cop may happen to see this and issue a citation.
There are many other circumstances that may seem justified to back up a vehicle but a ticket may still be issued anyways.
Police are human and make mistakes sometimes.
It may appear to them that the violation occurred when it may not have. It may have looked like a person backed into an intersection or crosswalk from a distance when actually the driver did not.
Other variables that consider it safe or unsafe may be in question depending on the circumstances.
The defense lawyers at Ticket Busters can help guide you through the process and make sure your ticket is handled correctly and does not come back to bite you later.
Knowing that the defense attorneys at Ticket Busters are doing everything they can to fight for you can be a big stress reliever.
How Can a Defendant Help Prove Their Innocence?
Anytime a citation is issued to a driver and they feel they were given the ticket in error a person always has the right to defend themselves.
It is always helpful to the case if there is some evidence that can prove a person’s innocence.
- Get video proof if possible
- A picture can tell 1000 words
- Eyewitness testimony
Remember in a court of law they must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this infraction occurred.
Ticket Busters are experts in defending these types of citations.
Some More Reasons for Backing Up
Sometimes things out there on the road are not so cut and dry.
There may be different scenarios and emergency type situations that may require a driver to react in a certain manner.
If you are being approached by a stranger and feel you may be getting robbed or carjacked you might put the vehicle in reverse to get to safety.
If there is a dangerous event with weather, debris or a falling tree it may be necessary to back up and get out of the way.
Hopefully in these situations a judge may take leniency on the ticket and understand the nature of the emergency.
A hazard can appear on the road and maybe backing up is the best option for everyone in order to avoid more danger.
Is it Possible to Get a NRS 484B.113 Ticket Reduced to a Non-Moving Violation?
Yes. It is possible depending on the judge. If a person has multiple tickets in their past, it may be more difficult.
If there is evidence that the ticket was given in error a ticket could be reduced and/or thrown out.
Will Insurance Rates be Affected by a ‘Backing Up a Vehicle Illegally’ Ticket?
There is a good possibility that rates can go up if there is a conviction.
This is why it is important to hire a defense lawyer in order to try and prevent the demerit points from getting on the license.
Call Ticket Busters Today!
Don’t Just Ignore a Traffic Ticket for ‘Backing Up a Vehicle Illegally’
In Nevada there is a 30-day grace period. A defendant will be issued a bench warrant that could result in the person being arrested.
Community service can be issued and more fines if it is not taken care of. This is nothing you want to deal with.
There is no need to further complicate your life.
Let our ticket experts work for you and resolve your case with the judge and courts so you can go on with your life.
Can I Get Deported for a ‘Backing Up a Vehicle Illegally’ Ticket in Nevada?
Not usually. Traffic citations for things like ‘Backing Up a Vehicle Illegally’ is not on the deportation list.
It is always best to speak with a defense attorney in order to know the immigration rights of each individual case.
Is a Criminal Defense Attorney Necessary for a Traffic Ticket?
It is always in your best interest when dealing with courts, judges and city hall that you have a defense attorney to help protect your rights.
An attorney can negotiate your case and help the defendant get a better deal.
It is best that the case is negotiated and a plea deal is made.
If the case does end up in court a defense attorney is even more important to getting a fair outcome.
A Traffic Ticket and a Commercial Driver’s License
If you are convicted the license will get 2 points on it. Any time a driver with a commercial license receives a ticket they have 30 days to inform their employer.
Out of State License and ‘Backing Up a Vehicle Illegally’ Ticket
Every state will handle the ticket differently.
Some states do not have demerit points so none would be issued in those states.
It is best to seek a local attorney in the state that the license is registered in order to make sure of the penalties.
Be Careful When Backing Up a Vehicle
It is important to always be extra careful when backing up a vehicle.
Most of the time if a car hits a pedestrian or other vehicle when they are backing up it is their fault.
It is vital to yield to pedestrians and make sure there is no accident when going backwards.
Anytime a driver backs up their vehicle they must make sure they are not doing it illegally and putting others in danger.
There must always be a clear and safe space for a vehicle to back up.
Tips on Backing Up Your Vehicle Safely
These are some safety tips that will a help you back up a car.
It is important to know how to back up a car safely in order to avoid accidents, injuries and tickets.
- If the vehicle has a camera system, it can make backing up easier and eliminate blind spots.
- Vehicles are harder to drive and control when going backwards.
- Check behind the vehicle before backing out. Walk around and look to make sure it is safe to put it in reverse.
- Look through the rear window if possible.
- Make sure the mirrors are in the right place. Adjust them to their best position in order to see properly.
- Let your foot off the brake slowly allowing for the car to slowly pick up speed.
- Never hit the gas hard when going backwards. It is much more dangerous to drive backwards so always be cautious.
- Always remain aware of everything that is around you.
Some Ticket Buster Facts
- We handle all types of criminal defense cases from traffic citations, warrants, DUI etc.
- Over 50,000 people in Southern Nevada alone have used our services.
- Skilled and top-rated lawyers to handle a wide range of cases.
- We help resolve thousands of tickets a year.
- Free strategy sessions.
- No appointment required.
- Experienced negotiators.