Next week, the Las Vegas Police Department is going to be looking for people not wearing seat belts. A lot of us wear a seat belt 99% of the time, but there is always that short time, or that memory lapse when we forget to do such a simple thing, that can save our lives.
According to Police, Clark County residents need that reminder more than usual this year. Out of the 79 fatalities so far this year, 11 of the people killed were not wearing a seat belt.
The Event will get started today kicking off the “Click it or Ticket” program. Over the next two weeks, officers will be looking for people not wearing a seat belt, and issuing as many citations as they can. The citation it’s self is only $25, but court costs and administrative fees usually bring the total up to $70, not to mention that you’ll probably have to miss work to go to court.
We understand that everybody forgets to wear their seat belt at some point, please wear your seat belt at all times while in a vehicle, if you do forget and are ticketed, we are here to help. We are Las Vegas’s most known traffic ticket lawyers. We will go to court for you, and can get your ticket reduced in most cases. Please be safe, but when you do get ticketed, call Ticket Busters, we give all our prospective clients a free consultation.
“‘Click It or Ticket’ campaign enforcing seat belt laws“, by Matt Guillermo