Ticket Busters Can Help With a High Beams Violation
NRS 484D.215 – The Nevada law for ‘failing to dim high beams’ when there is oncoming traffic approaching or when following behind another vehicle.
This rule is written about the use of equipment for lighting the road and highways with multiple beams in order to make for a safe interaction.
- When a driver is approaching another vehicle within 500 feet the driver shall use a composite beam or distribution of light that does not aim the glaring rays into the oncoming drivers’ eyes.
- The driver should use the lower beam not directed into the oncoming drivers’ eyes when within 500 feet.
- When a driver is following behind a vehicle, they should not use their high beams if they are within 300 feet.
- The lowest distribution of light or composite beam should be used in order to avoid the glare when following behind a vehicle within 300 feet.
A driver is allowed to use high beams when there is no traffic around but these are the rules when oncoming traffic is approaching or when travelling behind a motorist in Nevada.
Penalties for ‘Failing to Dim High Beams’ in Nevada
In the state of Nevada this ticket is considered a misdemeanor.
The penalties may vary from city and county but in Las Vegas the ticket carries a fine of around $205.
There are also 2 demerit points that will then go on a person’s driver’s license if convicted.
When there is a misdemeanor ticket in Nevada like ‘failing to dim high beams’ there is a maximum sentence of $1000 and/or 6 months in jail.
Most likely a driver will not be put in jail but make sure to take care of the ticket.
Our Expert Defense Attorneys at Ticket Busters
If you get a ticket and feel that it was given in error there are ways that Ticket Busters can help defend you.
Police are human too and sometimes they can make a mistake like everyone else.
These are some common defenses that may help a driver get a ticket reduced or in some cases thrown out altogether.
- The ticket was given in error
- Falsely accused
- No law was ever broken
- An emergency situation for the safety of others
- Weather was a factor
- There was limited visibility
Remember the prosecution has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the infraction occurred.
A police officer may think that a driver used their high beams when in fact they did not.
The distance of a vehicle approaching may be difficult to prove.
The same goes when following behind a motorist.
In some instances, high beams may be used in low visibility or lack of lighting on the street.
It may be the safest way to drive and a judge may understand if presented with the evidence.
Ticket Busters can try to Get Charges Reduced or Thrown Out
Often with traffic tickets it is possible for our attorneys to get them reduced from a misdemeanor to a non-moving violation.
This can make a big difference on your license.
Our attorneys may be able to show that there is insufficient evidence which may get the ticket dismissed by prosecution.
A misdemeanor for this violation carries 2 demerit points and a non-moving violation none.
Keeping these demerit points off the license is a good thing.
What About Demit Points
A ‘failure to dim high beams’ ticket will get you 2 demerit points if found guilty.
They can also add up quickly.
If a driver in Nevada receives 12 demerit points in 1 year, they can get their driver’s license suspended for 6 months.
You never want to get your license suspended or ever drive around on a suspended license.
This will be a pain in the you know what.
A person’s day to day living can be affected by not being able to drive around as usual.
Don’t let these tickets add up.
It is best to get these demerit points off the license.
This is where Ticket Busters can help out.
We are here to defend you and make sure that the ticket is properly and legally handled.
Will My Insurance Be Affected
Yes. There is a good possibility that if the defendant is fully convicted of a ‘failure to dim high beams’ violation that the insurance companies will raise rates.
It is important to try to fight the ticket and try and get it reduced from a misdemeanor to a non-moving violation or dismissed.
Our lawyers at Ticket Busters specialize in these types of cases.
What if I Have a Commercial Drivers’ License
If you receive a ‘failure to dim high beams’ ticket the Nevada DMV will put 2 demerit points on the persons commercial driver’s license.
What if I Have an Out of State Driver’s License
Not all states use the same demerit point system.
A ticket for a ‘failure to dim high beams’ may be comparable in another state but it is recommended to check with the state that the license is in to make sure.
Is a ‘Failure to Dim High Beams’ Ticket a Deportable Offense
No. It is not a deportable offense in the state of Nevada.
It is important to check with an immigration attorney to make sure that you know your rights when it comes to deportation and traffic tickets.
Laws are constantly changing and an undocumented immigrant may be deported even if there is no crime committed.
Never Ignore a Traffic Ticket
It is important not to ignore a traffic ticket in Nevada.
The judge and the courts do not look favorably on this.
If you do forget or just ignore a ‘failure to dim high beams’ ticket the judge after 30 days will issue a bench warrant for the person’s arrest.
You don’t want to get arrested for a traffic ticket but it can happen at any time after the 30 days.
It is possible for defendants to do community service if they are late on paying the courts instead.
If they fail to complete all the necessary obligations of community service then a bench warrant can be issued.
They can also hold a person in violation without bail in some instances.
In some situations, the bench warrant can be recalled.
These are all things that our attorneys at Ticket Busters are well versed in.
Having a defense attorney is the best way to make sure you are represented correctly with all these types of issues.
Courts, judges, fines, tickets, warrants can all be high stress if they are not handled in the proper legal fashion.
Tickets can turn into an entirely new set of problems and affect a person’s life in a negative way.
Don’t ever ignore any traffic ticket and get the help of an expert defense attorney. Don’t hesitate call Ticket Busters Today!
When to Use High Beams
Have you ever been driving when there is low visibility or lack of lighting?
This is the perfect time to use those high beams.
Out in the country is another time where high beams come in handy.
With animals crossing these rural roads it is an outstanding option to have.
Night time on the highways and roads with no street lights can be dangerous.
All these scenarios are great uses of high beams.
High beams are an excellent option to keep a driver safe while travelling but they can also be a danger to others if not used correctly.
That is why the NRS 484D.215 is written.
The high beams can be used when it is hard to see in urban areas as well.
You may be approaching a street with dim or no lighting or have a hard time seeing where the road is going.
It is best to slow down in these situations, be cautious and drive appropriately. Looking for an off ramp or on ramp in the middle of nowhere can be challenging.
A quick flash of the high beams can make all the difference.
The important thing to remember is that high beams are great when there are no motorists, motorcyclist, bicyclist or pedestrians around but when others come into the equation it is time to turn them back to the lower beams.
If you have to reduce speed then do so.
The danger of momentarily blinding a person with the bright powerful, glaring high beams is real.
It can cause a driver to lose control of their vehicle and create an accident.
It’s kind of like having a flash bulb go off in your eyes.
Some reports have shown the dangers of using high beams in rain and snow.
It is recommended not to use them since the water and snowflakes may reflect the light making for even more visibility issues.
Keep safe out there and only use the high beams correctly in the proper time and place.
Be respectful when sharing the roads with others.