What is a “non-moving violation”?
A non-moving violation in regards to traffic laws in Nevada refers to when a driver is violating the laws that pertain to their eligibility to be behind the wheel or other standard requirements pertaining to standard rules of operating a vehicle.
What are the most common non-moving violations in Nevada?
- Illegal parking
- Expired plates
- Driving without insurance
- Driving without a valid license
- Driving on a suspended license
- Driving with expired registration
- Driving without proof of registration
- Equipment-related violations (like a broken headlight or taillight)
- Parking in a handicap parking spot without a handicap placard
- Driving without proper or no child restraints
- Failure to wear a seat belt
Non-moving violations are usually resolved by paying a fine or completing a court ordered term of community service. A judge can, however, rarely wil, impose up to 6 months of jail time for a misdemeanor charge.
What is a “moving violation”?
A moving violation is a traffic violation which occurs while a vehicle is in motion, just as it sounds. Moving violations have two designations: “minor” and “major” which are based upon the severity of the infraction.
What are the most common minor moving violations?
- Speeding: basic offenses
- Driving too slowly
- Failing to stop at a red light
- Failing to stop at a stop sign
- Tailgating
- Failing to stay in lane
- Failing to stop for a school bus
- Driving without a seatbelt
- Failing to use a hands-free device which driving in certain designated areas
What are the most common major moving violations?
More severe repercussions come with major moving violations, such as higher fines and immediate license suspension, along with more demerit points on your license. Major moving violations can be categorized as misdemeanors and even felonies.
The following can result in a driver having his/her license suspended:
- Driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated
- Leaving the scene of an accident (hit-and-run)
- Manslaughter or negligent homicide
- Reckless or negligent driving
- Drag racing
Other common moving violations in Nevada include:
- Driving at night without using headlights
- Illegal U-turn
- Unauthorized driving in the carpool lane
- Improper turn
- Unsafe passing
- Passing a vehicle on the right
- Right turn on red light when prohibited by posted signage
- Passing a stopped school bus while in service
- Driving on the wrong side of the road
- Failure to wear helmet while operating a motorcycle
- Driving through a safety zone
- Tampering with and removing highway barriers
- Failure to yield when making a left turn
- Following behind another vehicle too close (tailgating)
- Failure to give way to:
- Pedestrian
- Cyclist
- Ambulance
- Fire truck
- Tow truck assisting a vehicle on the side of the road
What are the penalties for a moving violation?
- Fines
- Traffic school
- Points on your driver’s license
At the most, a misdemeanor moving violation can bring fines up to $1,000.00.
It is very rare, but possible, to receive up to 6 months in jail for a misdemeanor moving violation.
What is the benefit of hiring an attorney to handle my traffic ticket?
Avoiding fines, increased insurance premiums, and escaping the possibility of having your license suspended are all benefits that can come from hiring a Nevada traffic ticket attorney.
Your attorney can:
- Request a contested hearing
- Request discovery for your case
- Represent you in court
- Negotiate with the prosecutor to have your charges dropped or reduced
When you receive a ticket, you do not have to accept what you are being charged with. No matter whether you have been ticketed for a non-moving violation, a minor moving violation, or a major moving violation, your best choice is to call the attorneys at Ticket Busters. Our team of attorneys and legal professionals are here to help. We represent you in court and negotiate to have your charges reduced or dropped. Why incur penalties such as expensive fees, points on your license, and an increase in your insurance premium, or in some severe cases – jail time? Call us at: 702.666.6666. We are your Ticket Busters.