If you are ever accused of leaving the scene of an accident then you should be careful not to incriminate yourself. Assuming there were witnesses, investigators from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) will most likely reach out in person to the accused’s place of work or even their home.
Interviews and interrogations will occur by the investigating officers as they piece together information. Many of their questions will be designed to get the suspect to admit their guilt. Remember that suspects do not need to answer questions and are able to hire an attorney to assist them in this process.
Our office can help and it is highly recommended to do so. It is a felony to leave the scene of an accident so the stakes are high if you are ever accused of this action.
Another way that the police can determine who was at the scene of the accident is by looking at the damage on the car. Certain markings can portray a picture to investigations that allows them to connect the dots.
For instance, if the automobile that stayed at the scene had damage on its front passenger side and reported to police that he was making a left-hand turn and was struck by oncoming traffic then the car that left the scene would have damage in the front part of their vehicle. That would be one clue for investigators and matching up paint colors would be another.
If the accused car had paint markings the same color as the car that stayed then investigators will know what happened. Most people will think it isn’t a big deal because they will simply get their car fixed immediately and then the proof will be gone. That isn’t true though. Per NRS 484E.100, repair shops working on autobody, have to keep a record of all of their repairs for two years. So just by getting your car fixed doesn’t mean you are in the clear for leaving the scene. Some people will also add additional drama to their situation by filing a fraudulent claim with their own insurance company. That’s not a good idea to do.
Our office can assist you with finding the best solutions for your case so please contact us today. We work for you and will protect your rights. Ticket Busters can assist for other types of moving violations as well.
Failing to Stop after a Vehicle Collision when there is an Injury to Incurred
This Nevada Revised Statute is the law that dictates all drivers must stay at the scene when there is a car accident that involves someone getting injured or a death. Drivers are to remain at the location until investigators arrive.
It is recommended by some to move off the road to not impede traffic but to try and stay in the same configuration so investigators can see what happened when they arrive. Based on how damaged the cars are or the driver, this may not be possible. Violating NRS 484E.010 is referred to as “leaving the scene of an accident”.
When trying not to obstruct traffic after an accident it is always a good idea to put your hazard lights on so that witnesses don’t think you are trying to leave the scene. In some instances, a driver that caused the wreck will act like they are moving their car away from the scene to not impede traffic only to leave the scene once they get a chance.
What is the Penalty for Leaving the Scene of an Accident?
In most cases, the penalty is a Category B Felony for leaving the scene. NRS 484E.010 is the written law in Nevada that pertains to this type of scenario and dictates that a driver must stop after an accident and stay at the scene. Aside from the felony charge there are also other punishments including a fine and/or prison time.
Prison time can range with a maximum of no longer than fifteen years and with the minimum being no less than two full years. This statutory penalty would be served in the state prison system. There is also a range regarding the fine for failing to stop at the scene of an accident. If convicted of this crime, the fine would be a maximum of $5,000 and range to a minimum of $2,000.
NRS 484E.030 – What Is It?
There are certain requirements that must be met regarding this Nevada Revised Statute. Basically, this requires you to do the right thing after getting in a wreck which would include not only remaining at the scene but being cooperative as well as submitting your information to the proper authorities.
The law also requires one to render aid after a vehicle collision that caused death or injury. Everyone’s skill sets and situation would be different. It doesn’t require every individual to learn how to be a doctor or first aid medic in their spare time but if are you involved in a crash you do need to do what you reasonably can to assist anyone that is injured.
Specific requirements written into the law include:
- Rendering assistance to injured persons which could include transporting the injured individual for medical treatment at a hospital.
- Providing your registration information.
- Providing your name and address.
- Giving your information to the law enforcement officers at the scene conducting the investigation.
- To exhibit your driver’s license to the driver of the other vehicles involved in the crash as well as to anyone that was injured.
A law enforcement officer is not summoned to every crash. If that is the case in your situation, you must report the accident as soon as possible to the closest authority (which could include the Highway Patrol).
Other Relevant Information – Chapter 484E
This verbiage dictates that a driver must remain at the scene of a car crash and report any injuries and or accidental deaths. Damage to property, whether it be attended or unattended must also be reported as well as the damage to other vehicles involved. The reporting process must happen immediately.
Defense for Failure to Stop and Leaving the Scene of an Accident
If you are charged with violating NRS 484E.010 then you should certainly call our office for assistance. Ticket Busters can help at all levels, and we will work to defend the charges against you.
As we’ve written about earlier in this article, the fines and imprisonment are very serious so you do not want to defend yourself and should seek help. Being convicted can cost you thousands of dollars as well as prison time which can negatively affect your job, and relationships and with it being a felony will continue to stay on your record. You can contact us even before being charged.
If you believe you are being investigated for failing to stop at the scene of a crash or for leaving let us know. The sooner you contact us the sooner we can begin a plan for your defense.
Our Company
More than 50,000 people in Southern Nevada have used the services of Ticket Busters as defense counsel in all criminal defense matters.
Whether you need a defense lawyer in court for traffic citations, driving under the influence, warrants or other criminal defense matters, Ticket Busters has skilled lawyers with experience to handle a large range of cases. Best of all, our strategy sessions are free and do not require an appointment.
What We Do
Simply put, we resolve thousands of tickets for our clients every year. That means saving clients money in court, on insurance and on traffic school expenses.
Our attorneys are experienced negotiators who resolve traffic tickets, warrants, driving under the influence and criminal defense matters.
Our Promise to Clients
Our clients are the lifeblood of our company, and they are at the center of everything we do. We at Ticket Busters take our role very seriously because legal matters are serious matters.
Our promise to clients includes a pledge to treat every client with respect and dignity.
We will provide the most professional legal service available and will strive for the best possible legal outcome.