Drivers who get speeding tickets in Las Vegas and surrounding Clark County Nevada, collectively pay an enormous sum annually, to settle tickets, whether they are paying out the ticket, or whether they have a lawyer represent them. Have you ever wondered where all the traffic fines and fees go when you pay your ticket? Who actually gets these funds and what are the funds used for? It’s a fair question, and we’ll attempt to answer it.
What are the fines and fees associated with speeding tickets?
Any traffic ticket will have these three components as part of the settlement: Fines, Administrative Assessment Fees, and Court Costs.
Fines are set by the city or county where the infraction took place, by statute and are part of the penalty you pay for breaking the law. Traffic violations, with some exceptions, such as a DUI which causes injury or death, are misdemeanor violations. Misdemeanors in Nevada can result in up to 6 months in county jail and up to $1,000 in fines. Jail time is rarely, if ever, imposed for a speeding ticket. NRS 484B.600 sets the fine for speeding at no more than $20 per mile an hour the person is driving over the posted speed limit. This is doubled for speeding tickets given in designated work zones. In Clark County and the city of Las Vegas you will pay a fine of at least $208 for any speeding ticket (Violation Code 1000) with increases depending on how fast over the posted speed limit you were cited. These funds go to the general fund of the city or county where the infraction took place.
Administrative Assessment Fees are set by the state to fund courts and court operations. These fees are payable in addition to any fine for the violation. The amount of the assessment is based on the amount of the fine collected…for a speeding ticket in Las Vegas, with a fine of $208, the Administrative Assessment is an additional $85.
Court Costs are set by the court. These funds go to the municipality under which the court operates to fund the courts, such as facilities, supplies, and salaries and benefits of court employees.
Ticket Busters will help with your speeding ticket
Whether you are local, or if you were visiting Las Vegas, if you received a speeding ticket within surrounding Clark County Nevada, Ticket Busters will represent you with the courts saving you the time and headache of dealing with the courts. In many cases we can negotiate your ticket to a non-moving violation. This saves you points on your driving record and increases in insurance premiums. If you get a speeding ticket in Las Vegas, call Ticket Busters at (702) 666-6666, or click the green button at the bottom of the page to text us your information.
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