Nobody likes to get a traffic ticket, but they are a fact of driving life. In a city like Las Vegas where access to a vehicle is an almost pre-requisite to getting around town, you are likely to get a ticket at some point. National statistics reveal that out of one out of six drivers will get a ticket during a year. The more you drive, the higher the likelihood of getting tagged for a ticket. If you get a ticket in Las Vegas or surrounding Clark County Nevada, a conviction for a ticket is an expensive proposition. In spite of the cost, 95% pay out the ticket rather than hiring a lawyer to fight the ticket, however, being Las Vegas’s Original ticket fighting solution, we suggest another way.
What to do on the traffic stop
The outcome of your traffic ticket starts at the traffic stop itself. Stay calm, be polite, smile and only respond to questions asked of you by the officer. We have written on this subject previously. To summarize we suggest the following.
- Stay in your vehicle until the officer arrives at your window. Remain calm, smile and give the officer what they request. If it is dark, turn on the dome light and put your hands on the wheel. The officer’s concern at this point is for his own safety.
- Officer most likely will ask for Driver’s License, Registration and Insurance Card. If you have them ready give them to the officer but don’t dig into the glove box until asked.
- The officer may ask questions designed to get you to confess to his allegations. You are not required to answer these questions and should refrain from answering with anything more than a “Yes” or “No” or other one-word answers.
- Do not agree with a specific speed allegation. Do not say things which could raise the officer’s suspicion of other violations
- Signing a ticket is not an admission of guilt, but only an acknowledgement of receiving the ticket.
- Be friendly and cooperative without admitting to anything.
If you get a traffic ticket, How We Can Help
When you get a traffic ticket, you essentially have three options:
- Pay out the ticket before the court date
- Appear in court
- Hire Ticket Busters to represent you with the court
Paying the ticket can be done prior to the court date and is the equivalent of pleading guilty to the charges. A conviction will appear on your driving record as a result, and points will accrue on your driving record. Your insurance company may raise your rates as a result of the conviction.
If you appear in court, you will need to take a day off from work, and if you plead anything but Not Guilty, you have wasted your time going. You will have a court date scheduled for the trial and you may represent yourself (not recommended) or have a lawyer there to represent you. You risk being found guilty at your trial, and paying fines, court costs and the lawyer fee. You’ve also lost the time it took you to appear twice, and preparation time getting ready for the trial.
Ticket Busters will for a much smaller fee than having a lawyer represent you in court, notify the court of their representation of you, which means you won’t need to appear in court at all. We will then negotiate your charges with the court and can usually obtain a reduced charge and fines. It most cases, we can convert the charges to a non-moving violation, or the equivalent of a parking ticket. This saves time of going to court, and saves you points on your driving record. A non-moving violation will not result in rating changes on your insurance policy either. If you missed your court date, we can also help with any warrant that resulted from the missed court date.
Ticket Busters will represent you for tickets received in Las Vegas and Clark County Nevada
Ticket Busters has been representing drivers who received tickets in Las Vegas and surrounding Clark County for over 10 years. Locals know of our services and success in negotiation on their behalf, and if you live out of town, but got a ticket while visiting, we can help with your ticket as well. Call us today at (702) 666-6666, or text your ticket to us by clicking the green button at the bottom of the page.
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