If you have received a ticket in Las Vegas or surrounding Clark County Nevada, and need assistance with the ticket, how do you obtain our help? There are several methods available to have Ticket Busters represent you. We have attempted to make it as easy as possible to transfer the needed information between you and our firm. We even have the option of texting your ticket to us…instructions are below.
Through our Website
At the top of Ticketbusters.com click the red CONTACT button at the upper right of our webpage, (on your phone, it’s at the top) which will take you to a web form which you can use to provide your contact information. We will contact you back and arrange to obtain any other needed information to represent you with the courts in southern Nevada. During business hours you can also have a chat with one of our representatives by clicking the green chat button in the lower right corner of the site.
Text your Ticket
You can handle everything via text messaging. If you haven’t had us bust a previous ticket for you, go to our website at www.ticketbusters.com. The green button in the lower right corner of our web page will allow you to chat with us during our business hours. If we’re not open this same button will allow you to enter your mobile phone number. Just enter your phone number and we’ll respond with a text message which will allow you to text all needed information to us. If you’ve done this before, any future tickets can be handled completely via text message.
Come to our office
We’re located in downtown Las Vegas close to the Arts District, at 830 S. 4th Street, Las Vegas, NV 89101. You don’t need an appointment, just come into the lobby, and our ticket specialists will gather all the needed information and get your case started. We’re open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 6 PM.
Give us a Call
Call us at (702) 666-6666. This is the direct line to Ticket Busters. The person who answers the phone can assist you with exchanging the needed information and we’ll take it from there.
Fax us the information
Send us an old-fashioned fax with your name and contact information, such as address and phone and fax number, and the citation itself. Our fax number is 702-444-4466. We will respond by faxing back our retainer agreement and information regarding costs for the service. Once we have established you as a client, we can get the process of busting your ticket started. If we need more information, we’ll let you know.
Email us
Like faxing, but more 21st century, send us an email with your phone number and a scanned copy of your ticket. We’ll email you back the needed documents and a request for any other information we need. Once we get everything back, we’ll be on the case.
Ticket Busters will fight your ticket
Once we’ve obtained all the information we need, we’ll be your legal counsel to represent you with the appropriate court. You can relax and know that Ticket Busters will negotiate your ticket with the court to obtain a reduction in your charges. In most cases, we can negotiate you charge to a non-moving violation. We’ll also work to reduce your fines for the ticket. This saves you time, and money, and saves you from having your insurance rates increased due to the speeding ticket. It also saves you points on your DMV record, which can result in a suspension if you get more than 12 points within a year. We’re here to help…call us today at (702) 666-6666.