Turning from the wrong lane or failing to signal before turning into another lane are ways to make an improper turn. In Nevada, making an improper turn is considered a misdemeanor with a typical fine of $395 and four demerit points added to your Nevada drivers license. People who try to avoid their improper turn traffic tickets risk getting a Nevada bench warrant for their arrest.
Laws for Turning From The Wrong Lane
As a driver in Nevada, you may only turn from the farthest right or the farthest left or from other lanes marked as a right or left turn lane. Additionally, drivers cannot make right or left turns violating traffic signs that indicate turns are prohibited. According to the Nevada Law, there are five laws for improper turns on various roadways.
- When the turn is a right turn: The approach for the right turn and the right turn must be made from the right turn lane if the highway has a right turn lane.
- When intersecting highways are two-directional: The approach for the left turn must be made in that area of the right half of the highway nearest the centerline. After entering that intersection, the left turn must be made to leave the intersection to the right of the centerline of the highway being entered; and simultaneous left turns by opposing traffic must be made in front of each other.
- When the turn is a left turn from a two-directional highway onto a one-way highway: The approach for the left turn must be made in that area of the right half of the highway nearest the centerline. The turn must be made by turning from the right of the centerline where it enters the intersection as close as practicable to the left-hand curb of the highway.
- When the turn is a left turn from a one-way highway onto a two-directional highway: The left turn must be made by passing to the right of the centerline of the highway being entered upon leaving the intersection. The approach for the left turn must be made as close as practicable to the left-hand curb of the highway.
- When the turn is a left turn where both intersecting highways are one-way: The approach for the left turn and the left turn must be made as close as practicable to the left-hand curb or the edge of the highway.
Penalties for Turning From The Wrong Lane
Making an improper turn is a misdemeanor carries a maximum fine of $1,000 and/or up to six months in jail. The judge typically imposes only a fine, although it depends on the driver’s record. The fine depends on jurisdiction and the driver’s record, but the typical fine is around $395. However, you may be able to have your charge reduced to a non-moving violation if your driving record is clean and depending on the judge, but every case is different. Usually, traffic school is not required for an improper turn traffic ticket, but a common way to get traffic tickets reduced to a non-moving violation is traffic school.
Ignoring Your Traffic Ticket
After the 30-day grace period, the Nevada Court punishes people who avoid their traffic ticket charges by issuing a bench warrant for their arrest. If you are late on your fine payment, the judge may give you an opportunity to do community service instead. If you do not complete the community service requirement, the judge will issue a bench warrant for your arrest. If you have a warrant, you need to hire a legal counsel to have the warrant quashed.
Making an improper turn can be very dangerous to all drivers on the road, as it can cause a crash if someone is in your blind spot. If you or a loved one has been pulled over and received an improper turn traffic ticket, it is important you seek an attorney for legal help. Our attorneys at Ticket Busters have had years of experience dealing with traffic ticket cases and know the legal system better than anyone else. Reach out to us if you are dealing with an improper turn traffic ticket and we can assist you in court to get the charge reduced, or even dismissed.