Several Southern Nevada police departments (PD’s) took part in a Joining Forces campaign designed to focus law enforcement attention from multiple police forces to drivers breaking the speed limit. This campaign intentionally corresponded to the Laughlin River Run, where motorcyclists from around the region, gathered in Laughlin, Nevada, for the annual event. Additional police resources from several jurisdictions deployed on U.S. 95 between I-11 and Searchlight, Nevada, and throughout Clark County, to enforce the speed limits.
At last year’s River Run, police responded to one fatal accident, and several traffic stops due to travelers exceeding 100 mph along this route. This year’s Joining Forces campaign was designed to highlight police attention and to put on additional officers, on the potentially dangerous conditions caused by large numbers of vehicles traveling at high rates of speed on a road not designed for the volume of traffic that the River Run draws.
What is Joining Forces?
Joining Forces is program of the Nevada Office of Traffic Safety, which encourages multiple police agencies to collaborate on designated enforcement issues. In some cases, using seatbelts is the area of focus, and other’s its pedestrian safety. Local police agencies apply to the state based on past experience for financial grants to put on additional officers to add enforcement to the area of focus.
Due to experience with past River Run weekends, this campaign was focused on holding down speeds along the U.S. 95 corridor to Laughlin. While all police departments focus on speed regardless of the occasion, Joining Forces allows PD’s to put on additional officers due to events or needs to concentrate resources for that campaign. Officers from Las Vegas Metro, Henderson, Boulder City, and Nevada Highway Patrol participated in this most recent campaign.
For Travelers to the Laughlin River Run, Ticket Busters can help if you got a ticket
Whether you got a ticket during the Joining Forces campaign, or anytime, we can help. In most cases, we can negotiate with the local courts to reduce your charges to a non-moving violation (equivalent to a parking ticket), saving you time dealing with the courts. This also saves you points on your driving record, and the corresponding increase in your insurance premiums. If you got a ticket in Clark County Nevada, call us today at (702) 666-6666.
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