If you have received an email which appears to be from the Nevada DMV demanding payment for a speeding ticket, it is a fraud. Nevada DMV has issued a press release warning all Nevada Motorist to beware of these fake emails. The full text of the statement from DMV reads:
“August 30, 2019
“CARSON CITY – The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles is warning motorists about a speeding ticket scam that has surfaced in the Silver State.
“Hackers are sending out emails, purportedly from the DMV, about alleged traffic violations that can only be paid online with a credit card.
“The emails demand payment of a fine within 72 hours and contain links for “EasyPay” or to contest the citation.
“The Nevada DMV does not issue traffic citations or collect fines, according to Director Julie Butler.
“It’s unfortunate that these criminals are posing as the DMV to scam innocent people,” Butler said. “Don’t click on the links. The scammers are after your personal information and your device could be infected with malware.”
“Citations in Nevada are written by law enforcement officers and handled in municipal courts. Nevada does not have any automated systems for traffic enforcement. Motorists are never notified of a violation by email.”
If you have received an email, purportedly from the DMV demanding payment for a speeding ticket, and have considered it legitimate, do not click the link, do not attempt to pay, do delete the email immediately. It’s possible when opening any email attachments, or clicking the link to pay, that malware may be transferred to your computer, which may manifest later.
DMV never sends emails attempting to collect for ticket violations. Tickets are issued by local law enforcement and administered by the local courts of jurisdiction. All collections proceedings are done by the local courts, not the DMV. Nevada DMV does not and has never set up an automated system for collections of traffic violation fines.
Ticket Busters will help with legitimate traffic tickets
If you have received a ticket in Las Vegas or surrounding Clark County Nevada, Ticket Busters will represent you with the courts and negotiate your ticket with the appropriate court. We can usually reduce your charges and fines and save you the time of dealing with the courts. Call our office today to discuss your ticket at (702) 666-6666.
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