It is a common occurrence while driving down a rural roadway in Nevada to see a house trailer being pulled by a big truck. This is a pretty popular thing to do anywhere in the west, but certainly in the vast expansive areas in the state of Nevada.
When you see the trailer heading fast down the highway do you ever wonder what is inside?
Well, hopefully, people are not inside of it as that would be against the law here in Nevada. As part of the Rules of the Road section within the Nevada Revised Statutes, this situation is addressed. Lawmakers in Carson City decided on this rule for public safety reasons (much like the intent is for most other laws). If you are caught with passengers inside the trailer, then you’ll most likely be given a traffic ticket.
What Is NRS 484B.167 and What Does It Say
NRS 484B.167 is titled Riding in House Trailer and it is very short and to the point. It reads:
NRS 484B.167 Riding in house trailer. No person shall occupy a house trailer while it is being moved upon a public highway.
What Is a House Trailer
At this point, we should actually figure out what exactly is a house trailer. Simple searches will show that the definition of a house trailer is:
a wheeled vehicle that can be pulled by a car or truck and is equipped for occupancy. synonyms: trailer. types: camper trailer. a trailer equipped for occupancy (especially used for those on vacation)
There you go, it is any vehicle that has wheels and is able to be hooked onto a car, or most likely a truck, with a big engine and it must be used for some kind of occupancy.
When most people hear this, they will often think that the “occupancy” part has to do with someone living in the vehicle. This may not be true for all types. Some house trailers might be used for camping so even though a person or persons could potentially live in it, that is not what the use is.
Regardless, the NRS references this type of trailer and it would still fall under the statute and one would be in violation of it if they were caught riding in it while it was being pulled down the highway.
One might think who cares if someone is in the trailer while it is flying down the road at seventy-five miles per hour.
Well, it is dangerous and elected lawmakers in Nevada working out of Carson City have the safety of the public in mind. If a person or numerous people are riding in the trailer it becomes a dangerous situation for them because they most likely will not be restrained by a safety belt.
Because these types of trailers are built and intended for occupancy, they are not equipped with seat belts (as the manufacturer did not envision anyone riding in them). So if the driver hauling the trailer has to slam on the breaks while they drive seventy-five miles plus on the Nevada highway, then the riders in the trailer will be caught in a precarious position.
Not being strapped down with an abrupt stop or high-intensity slowdown could cause them to crash forward within the trailer due to momentum which could cause serious injury or even death.
If the hauling vehicle gets into an actual wreck on the highway that could be disastrous for anyone riding in the trailer. For the same situations written above, passengers in the trailer would be like a pinball bouncing around within the trailer which would certainly cause massive injuries if not worse.
If you are ever in a car accident in the state of Nevada or found in violation of one of the many Rules of the Road you should reach out to Ticket Busters. There is no reason to delay doing so as the sooner our professional legal staff can review your case the more efficient we can be. Just like any traffic case, if you are cited for being in violation of NRS 484B.167 we will work to try and get your citation either reduced or completely dropped. Of course, each of our client’s situations is different but that is why we will research all aspects of your case.
Does This NRS Cover a Mobile Home
After reading and contemplating this statute, one might wonder if a mobile home is considered a house trailer. The answer is yes; however, the mobile home would really only be applicable to this NRS when it is being moved to its permanent location.
In that situation, one would imagine that there would certainly not be any passengers in that case.
What’s the Difference Between a House Trailer and a Mobile Home
The main difference between a trailer and a mobile home is that mobile homes are built on top of a steel chassis that has wheels mounted on them. Both the trailer and mobile home are factory-built with the intention to move to the desired location (or multiple locations).
Another significant difference is that the mobile home is typically meant for a permanent residence whereas the house trailer continues to move depending on where the owner wants to go.
Why This Is an Important NRS to Know
Mobile homes often have a bad reputation for those looking for a home; however, their values have been going up in recent years, often outpacing single-family residences.
Traditional housing has appreciated so much in value that some potential owners (especially those in younger age groups) have no choice but to look at these types of alternative housing that continues to go up in value.
Mobile homes have certainly been more marketable to people since the COVID-19 pandemic because of their lower costs which allow owners to utilize the excess funds for other purposes such as paying normal bills (which continue to go up) or for more fun reasons such as travel.
Another trend in recent years is folks taking to the road more with house trailers. Camping and getting off the grid has gained in popularity as lockdowns and other intrusive measures have taken their toll on many Nevadans.
With so much empty land in the state (it is estimated that the Federal Government owns more than 80% of the land in Nevada), many citizens are spending more time outside and using the house trailer as their preferred vehicle.
Just remember, if you are part of this trend, not to utilize that house trailer for passengers while it is being hauled down any highway in Nevada. That would include Interstate 15 in the southern part near Las Vegas, Interstate 80 in traveling from Reno to Elko or Highway 95 linking the two together.
A few other highways traveling through the state include Highway 93 and other ones that are known in more informal ways such as the Extraterrestrial Highway or the Loneliest Road in American (which is Highway 50) which goes through the town of Ely, Nevada.
Again, do not violate NRS 484B.167 while traveling down these highways or you will be issued a ticket from NPH (Nevada Highway Patrol).
Ticket Busters can help you if you are cited with any traffic ticket issued by LVMPD (Las Vegas Metropolitan Police), NPH or the police forces in Boulder City, Henderson or North Las Vegas. So if you ever get a ticket for the aforementioned NRS or any other one be sure to call our office. You can easily reach us via telephone, email or a simple drop in to our office located in Downtown Las Vegas.
When reading this statute or any other one, you do not want to read into it any more than what is stated within it. The reader should note that NRS 484B.167 applies to highways as it is specifically stated. So if you are traveling or riding in a house trailer on a rural dirt road, private property or other similar types, then you may not have to adhere to the statute.
If you feel as if you were wrongfully cited for violating the statute, then that would be another reason for you to contact Ticket Busters. Our law attorneys are well-educated in Nevada legal issues and will be able to determine whether or not your ticket was justified. Even if it was justified, our legal professionals will be able to build a strategy that will help save you time and/or money.
Airstream travel trailers are an icon in America and have been since the 1930’s. The interior of these home trailers are usually just as striking as the exterior as they are nowadays equipped with the state of the art technology and conveniences which translate to the user’s comfort.
Just remember that if you are experiencing that comfort, not to do it while you are being pulled and to only indulge in the lifestyle once you are safely parked at your desired location whether that be at a local campground in Nevada or as you travel through the Silver State to an adventure in another part of the state. Needless to say, Nevada is full of excursions that many long-time and new residents are just now figuring out.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does NRS 484B.167 apply to highways only?
Yes, NRS 484B.167 applies to highways as it is specifically stated within the statute. If you are traveling or riding in a house trailer on a rural dirt road, private property or other similar types, then you may not have to adhere to the statute.
What can I do if I receive a traffic ticket for violating NRS 484B.167?
If you feel as if you were wrongfully cited for violating the statute, then you should contact Ticket Busters. Our attorneys are well-educated in Nevada legal issues and will be able to determine whether or not your ticket was justified. Even if it was justified, our legal professionals will be able to build a strategy that will help save you time and/or money.
Can I use my house trailer to transport passengers?
No, NRS 484B.167 prohibits utilizing a house trailer for passengers while being hauled down any highway in Nevada. This would include Interstate 15 in the southern part near Las Vegas, Interstate 80, and other ones that go through the town of Ely, Nevada.