The NRS 484B.207 traffic citation concerns a motorist passing another vehicle in the right lane. This is a misdemeanor violation in the state of Nevada. The details of this ticket include the duties of drivers overtaking a vehicle and being overtaken.
- The driver passing another vehicle in the same direction shall pass to the left. This must be done safely and at a safe distance before returning to the right lane.
- The driver on the right should give way to the passing vehicle upon observing or hearing a signal.
- The driver of the overtaken vehicle should not increase speed and allow the vehicle to pass safely by the overtaking vehicle.
- Penalties for this violation will increase if in a pedestrian safety zone or work zone.
These laws are on the books to make our roads safer for everyone.
What is the penalty of a ‘Passing on the Right’ Ticket?
- This traffic ticket is a misdemeanor in Nevada. It also comes with 4 demerit points that will be put on a driver’s license if they are convicted.
- In Nevada, the fines will vary throughout the state. In the City of Las Vegas, the cost of this ticket can be about $305.
- Remember, anytime you receive a ticket in a pedestrian or work zone the fines go way up.
- An unlawful passing on the right ticket carries a maximum sentence of $1,000 and/or six (6) months in jail. The courts rarely will put a person in jail for a traffic ticket but all circumstances are different.
More on Demerit Points in Nevada
This is a system used by the Nevada DMV. If a driver is convicted the court will send out a notice and it is entered in the driving record and points are assigned. If you receive 12 or more points within a 1-year period your license will be suspended for 6 months. Convictions will remain on your permanent driving record.
Should I Fight a ‘Passing on the Right’ Ticket?
It is always in your best interest to try and fight a traffic ticket. Getting a ticket reduced to a non-moving violation can help with the demerit points.
In many cases, Ticket Busters can help you get your ticket reduced or even thrown out altogether. Bring us the facts of the case and any evidence that may be helpful to our team of defense attorneys.
Defending an NRS 484B.207 Ticket
There are some exceptions to the rule and sometimes tickets may be given in error. Certain situations may dictate that it was necessary to pass in the right lane. There may be certain facts surrounding the ticket that help your defense.
- The driver was given the ticket in error and falsely accused. This does happen and the police officer may not have seen everything correctly. Police are humans and from time-to-time mistakes can be made.
- There could be an emergency that caused the driver to go in the right lane to get around the vehicle to avoid danger. Crazy things can happen out there on the busy roads and highways of Nevada
- The driver was doing everything safely and legally to avoid an accident.
These are some of the options that our defense lawyers at Ticket Busters may investigate.
Sudden Emergency Defense
The Nevada Supreme Court has made available the ‘sudden emergency doctrine’ as a defense. Examples of this would include a child or animal running out into the street and a driver slamming on the brakes or swerving to avoid a crash. An emergency must be a traffic-related situation that could cause risk to the driver.
You may have had to pass in the right lane to avoid all kinds of things that may cause an accident. There are many defenses that may be available. Our defense team will look at all the details of the case and come up with the best strategy for you.
How Ticket Busters Can Help!
Ticket Busters has expert defense attorneys that specialize in Nevada traffic tickets. They also are available to defend a person in the case of warrants, DUI, and other criminal defense matters. Ticket Busters has helped more than 50,000 people in Southern Nevada alone with all sorts of tickets.
We have skilled lawyers that have seen it all and are ready to defend you. The first strategy session is free and there is no appointment required. Resolving tickets is what we do. Call or stop by our offices today.
What About My Auto Insurance and a ‘Passing on the Right’ Illegally Ticket?
Auto Insurance rates will usually go up if convicted of a moving violation in Nevada. That is why it is important to hire an experienced defense lawyer that can help reduce the penalty to a non-moving violation.
If you can get the ticket lowered it can be a major factor in stopping a rate increase. In some cases, the ticket can be dismissed which can be even better.
Is Traffic School Required For a ‘Passing on the Right’ Illegally Ticket?
This is up to the judge and the prosecutor involved in the case. Sometimes it is a plea deal that can be beneficial for everyone and a way to lessen the charges. This may be a way to get rid of those demerit points that can go on the drivers’ license.
With demerit points being removed it will also lessen the chance of insurance rates increasing. Our skilled defense attorneys at Ticket Busters are expert negotiators and can help you with all aspects of your ticket. In many of these traffic tickets a judge will negotiate with a defense attorney. This can be a big help for you.
Can a Person Be Deported For a ‘Passing on the Right’ Ticket?
If you are a legal alien then you will not be deported for a ‘passing on the right’ ticket? These days with such a politically charged climate things can always change. We always suggest that it is best to speak with an attorney that is well versed in all matters of criminal defense when it comes to immigrants’ rights in Nevada.
Never Ever Ignore a Traffic Ticket in Nevada!
Getting a traffic ticket may not seem like a big deal and a person may forget about it or choose not to deal with it. This is most definitely the wrong idea. Always take a traffic ticket seriously and handle it immediately. You can just pay the ticket, get the demerit points, and have your insurance rates go up. It is recommended to fight it and call Ticket Busters for the best possible outcome. This way you will know that the ticket will not come back to bite you later.
A ‘passing on the right’ ticket will get a 30-day grace period to pay the fines. If you are late and do not pay on time a bench warrant will be issued. Community service is available for those late but if they do not show up for it then they can be arrested. There is a way to ‘quash’ a warrant if you request a hearing with the court.
The ticket is not just going to go away. Ticket Busters can help you with the legal process and make sure that any of these further complications do not happen. Bottom line… do not ever ignore a ‘passing on the right’ ticket in Nevada.
What If I Have an Out of State Driver’s License and Get a Traffic Ticket in Nevada?
It is recommended that if you get a traffic ticket with an out-of-state driver’s license that you consult a defense attorney in your hometown. Penalties can be similar in some states but not every state uses the demerit point system so it is best to check.
A Traffic Ticket in Nevada and a CDL?
Getting a traffic citation in Nevada will get you 4 demerit points. A ticket for ‘passing on the right’ unlawfully is considered a serious offense under Federal law. This is important to know because if a commercial driver has 2 of these serious offense tickets within a 3-year period they will get their CDL suspended for 60 days. If this happens a 3rd time then the penalty is 120 days. This is not a ticket you want to get.
Ticket Buster Transparency
We want to be up front with all our clients. All tickets and circumstances surrounding them are unique. We have a proven high success rate with our clients and want to make sure that expectations are defined and understood.
Our clients drive our company’s success and we do not want to promise anything to them that we cannot deliver. After we look at all the facts and conditions of your ticket our experienced ticket attorneys will come up with the best strategy of defense. We will give you clear explanations and present you with potential outcomes.