NRS 484B.260 is a law in the state of Nevada about vehicles entering a highway from a private way. It states that “the driver of a vehicle about to enter or cross a highway from a private way shall yield the right-of-way to all vehicles approaching on such highway.”
If you are a driver on a private driveway, under the law you must yield the right of way to any type of vehicle that is driving on the street. It is important to take the time to stop and look in all directions making sure that it is safe to proceed onto the roadway being entered.
A vehicle must wait for the break in traffic until it is safe to turn onto the road before doing so. You do not want to cause an accident by pulling out in front of another vehicle illegally. Brakes slamming and swerving cars can make for a dangerous moment that no one wants to be part of.
What is the Fine and Penalty for an Unsafe Turning onto a Roadway Ticket?
This traffic ticket is considered a misdemeanor.
The fine for this penalty varies throughout the state but in Las Vegas it is approximately $305 and Reno closer to $170.
The DMV will add 4 demerit points on the person’s drivers license if found guilty.
Is it Worth Fighting an Unsafe Turning onto a Roadway Ticket?
Yes. It is always worth trying to get a traffic ticket reduced to a non-moving violation.
Ticket Busters is here to help you get your ticket reduced or in some cases thrown out. All cases and circumstances vary but our expert defense attorneys specialize in these types of traffic tickets. When it comes to judges and courts it is always best to have a defense lawyer that has your back. We will help you negotiate and try and get you the best possible outcome.
Demerit Points Can Add Up
If found guilty, the DMV will add 4 demerit points to your license. If a person receives more than 12 demerit points in a 1-year period then their license will get suspended for 6 months. Therefore, you never want to just let these traffic tickets add up.
Trying to get the demerit points removed by reducing the ticket to a non-moving violation can make a big difference.
How to Fight an Unsafe Turning onto a Roadway Ticket?
There are some ways to fight a traffic ticket for unsafe turning onto a roadway.
Sometimes a person can be cited for a ticket in error. The driver may have properly yielded to the moving traffic on the road. A police officer may have misread the situation and the driver did nothing wrong. There could have been a dangerous situation that the driver had to react to in order to avoid a crash. Reacting reasonably in an emergency is not illegal.
There could also be any number of circumstances that come up in an unsafe turning onto the roadway ticket.
- There may be many cars driving on the street at once and a police officer may see something incorrectly putting the blame on the wrong driver.
- There are certain times of the day like rush hour when the roads are busy and this is often when a ticket can be misunderstood.
- Private driveways can have emergency situations that a driver would have to react to like; children playing, tree branches falling, etc.
- Sudden Emergency Doctrine is recognized in Nevada when certain situations arise.
- It is vital to gather as much evidence as possible for defense purposes. Pictures, phone video, surveillance video, eyewitness testimony, etc.
It is important to know that a ticket for unsafely turning onto a roadway must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt. If not, then the charges should be dismissed. Having a good defense attorney on your side is valuable when dealing with the DA. Call Ticket Busters today!
Will My Auto Insurance Rates Go Up?
Yes. More than likely insurance increases will happen if found guilty and the 4 demerit points are put on the driver’s license. If convicted of a traffic ticket in Nevada insurance companies love any excuse to raise your premiums. Therefore, it is recommended that you get a defense attorney that can try to get the ticket lessened or dismissed. Ticket Busters is your best bet. Make the call!
Why Not Just Ignore an ‘Unsafe Turning onto a Roadway’ Ticket?
Anytime you just ignore a traffic ticket in Nevada you are asking for trouble. If the fines are not paid within the 30-day period a judge may issue a bench warrant. A judge must offer community service to the defendant to settle the fines but if the person does not show up for that then the bench warrant goes into effect.
Then it turns into more drama and the only way to ‘quash’ a bench warrant is to have a court hearing. This is not a slam dunk by any means. Take my advice and do not just ignore a traffic ticket in the state of Nevada. It is not worth the headache.
Ticket Busters expert defense team can make sure the ticket is handled in a timely fashion. We will try and get you the best possible outcome. This way you can move on with your life and not have to worry about looking over your shoulder because you got a traffic citation.
Should I Go to Traffic School?
It is possible that a prosecutor can offer a plea deal to reduce the charges of the ticket if the person completes traffic school. A ticket may be reduced to a non-moving violation which can help get rid of those demerit points. Traffic school is worth it if it gets the ticket lessened. Traffic school is usually not required but may be a great help in certain situations.
Sealing a Conviction of an ‘Unsafe Turning onto a Public Roadway’ Ticket in Nevada
Sealing a traffic citation conviction in Nevada is usually a year after the end of the case. This means that 1 year must go by after the ticket was resolved in order to seal this ticket. If the case is thrown out then there is no waiting period on a seal. Ticket Busters is well versed in seals and all matters that are involved in traffic tickets in Nevada.
Is an ‘Unsafe Turning onto a Roadway’ Ticket’ in Nevada a Deportable Offense?
A traffic ticket in Nevada is not a deportable offense. It is strongly advised that immigrants that get tickets get a defense attorney that knows their rights to make sure that they are treated properly. Immigration law can change and it is important to know your rights.
An undocumented immigrant can be deported in Nevada at any time. This can happen even if there was no citation. The Immigration Service of Nevada can help with any of these immigration issues.
Reach Out to Ticket Busters
There are many ways to get a hold of us at Ticket Busters.
- Call Us
- Email Us
- Come Visit Our Office Location
There are no appointments necessary.
Here’s how it works—our clients will need to get us some straightforward information concerning their cases. Our layers will look it over and figure out the best way to negotiate. We will need some basics like your contact info, court date, ticket citation number or any other details that can help your case. Then sit back and let our legal pros get started.
Go back to your normal day-to-day life while we prepare. We will then keep you updated as we get any info that develops. Feel free to contact us any time and we will keep you informed. Getting you the best results is our goal.
It is Important to Have a Criminal Defense Attorney on Your Side
- When it comes to negotiating a plea deal with the DA it is in your best interest to have an attorney represent you.
- The defense attorney can usually appear in court for you so you do not have to. This can save you from missing work and disrupting your daily routine.
- Prosecutors usually will give a better deal to defendants that are represented with a defense attorney.
Commercial Drivers License and an ‘‘Unsafe Turning onto a Roadway’ Ticket.
Commercial Driver’s License (CDL’s) will receive the same 4 demerit points if the person is convicted of an NRS 484B.260 ticket.
Under Federal law this ticket is considered a ‘serious offense.’
- Convictions of 2 ‘serious offense’ tickets within 3 years = 60-day suspension.
- Convictions of 3 ‘serious offense’ tickets within 3 years = 120-day suspension
‘Unsafe Turning onto a Roadway’ Ticket and An Out of State Drivers’ License
In these circumstances, it is recommended that any out-of-state driver check with their state laws if they get a traffic ticket of any sort. Every state has different laws that should be referred to. For instance, not every state has a demerit point system.
Once again it is important not to ignore a ticket no matter where you live and have your driver’s license in.
Remember to always take the time you need and be cautious and mindful of the dangers of ‘unsafely turning onto a roadway.’
- https://www.leg.state.nv.us/NRS/NRS-484B.html#NRS484BSec260 (NRS 484B.260)
- https://www.dmvedu.org/nevada-traffic-school/ (Should I Go to Traffic School?)