Without a doubt, we all dislike waiting at intersections for traffic lights to change.
Being stuck at a red light when we are in a rush to get to our destination may seem like an eternity at times and we wish we could do anything to make the light switch to green so we can finally get moving. Sometimes, people even choose to just drive through the red light after looking both directions for cross traffic.
Of course that can really only be done when there are few cars on the road which would most likely occur during the middle of the night.
It’s been said that “patience is a virtue” and we all need to utilize that attribute when driving the roads of Las Vegas. If you are ever caught running a red light then you can certainly expect to pay a fine. Along with the monetary penalty which is estimated to be over $300, you will also receive four demerit points against your Nevada driver’s license.
If you get caught and tell the police officer that you blew through the red light because you just ran out of patience then that will not cut it (the same excuse will not work in another scenario when you run through a red light and state that the yellow light changed too rapidly).
Even though we think that the red lights here in the valley seem to take an eternity before turning green, it really is just our own personal mind game. Most red lights last between sixty seconds and ninety seconds. Of course, there are always exceptions but that is the norm.
In the grand scheme of things, having to wait a minute and a half (or even a full two minutes) for a light to change really isn’t that big of a deal (for trivia, the average time a light is yellow is four seconds). Another way to make yourself feel better when waiting at an intersection for a light to change is to think of the town of Milford, New Jersey. It is said that there is a traffic light in that town that is said to last for over five and half minutes!
It should not be surprising that some lights are longer than others. This certainly holds true on Las Vegas Boulevard in the resorts corridor.
There, the traffic lights are set differently and are done in a way that prioritizes the entrances and exits to the resorts. Some people believe that these lights are setup to where the lights are green for a longer time period for those entering the resorts from the Strip with shorter times for those trying to exit the casino.
In any case we have to exercise patience and follow the Rules of the Road in Nevada. Some people will drive through the red light as we mentioned earlier and some people will even try to manipulate the lights in their favor.
If this is ever done, it is against the law and there is a Nevada Revised Statute that references this illegal action. It is NRS 484B.320 and states the following:
Devices and mechanisms capable of interfering with or altering signal of traffic-control signal: General prohibition against operating and selling; seizure by police; presence in or on vehicle as prima facie evidence of violation; penalty; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone; exceptions for providers of mass transit and response agencies.
If you are ever cited with a ticket in southern Nevada then reach out to us at Ticket Busters. We can certainly assist you if you have been on the receiving end of a traffic violation, including one for manipulating street lights. Our office has helped thousands of people and although getting a ticket and dealing with the court system might be a new experience for you it is not for us. Our seasoned legal team knows the ins and outs of the Nevada court system and is here to help you.
Some Nevada drivers will flash their bright lights at a red light with the expectation that it will make the light turn. This statute though refers to a “mechanism” that could alter the lights. This statute is a very long one and does list out some exceptions to the rule and more details.
Here we will detail some of the major points to NRS 484B.320:
Illegal to Operate a Vehicle Which Can Interfere or Alter Traffic Control Signals
(a) A person shall not operate a vehicle on the highways of this State if the vehicle is equipped with any device or mechanism, including, without limitation, a mobile transmitter, that is capable of interfering with or altering the signal of a traffic-control signal.
So if your car, truck or other type of vehicle has the capability of being able to alter and interfere with traffic signals then it is illegal to operate that vehicle on the roadways of Nevada.
Illegal to Operate Any Device or Mechanism Capable of Interfering with Traffic Control Signals
Another subpoint to this article tells the details of not even being able to operate any type of device that can alter the street lights. So regardless of whether or not you are driving a vehicle, are a passenger in a vehicle or even just standing on the side of the street or in your own home you are not allowed to operate one of these types of devices. Here is the specific verbiage from the policy:
(b) A person shall not operate any device or mechanism, including, without limitation, a mobile transmitter, that is capable of interfering with or altering the signal of a traffic-control signal.
Selling of These Devices Are Prohibited to General Public
It probably goes without saying that since it is illegal to operate any gizmo or other mechanism that can manipulate traffic lights that it is also prohibited to sell one of these items as well. From the statute, it reads:
2. Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a person shall not in this State sell or offer for sale any device or mechanism, including, without limitation, a mobile transmitter, that is capable of interfering with or altering the signal of a traffic-control signal.
There are a couple of exceptions to the sales aspect and they are:
It is allowable to offer these items for sale if you are doing so to an authorized mass transit group. So, if you manufacture these types of items and the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) is in the market for them then it would be permissible.
The other exception is similar except it allows the sale if it is to a response agency such as the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD).
Basically, the law is written so that individuals do not sell these items to each other which could cause major havoc on the roads here in southern Nevada if they were used improperly.
Confiscation of Devices Allowed
Section number three of this NRS states that a police officer can seize or confiscate your device if they see it on your person.
And they do not need a warrant to do so.
If you have this type of device or are using it and a policeman witnesses that then you can expect it to be taken and most likely you will be issued a ticket.
If you are pulled over and that same law enforcement officer sees that your car is equipped with this type of device then not only will that device be taken but the police department will also take possession of your vehicle.
You should also be aware that the government, police department or the specific police officer(s) will not be liable to any damage done to your automobile if it is seized in this type of example. It sounds harsh but it makes sense.
If you have a device that can change lights and potentially cause accidents that could kill people then you should not be surprised that law enforcement will do whatever is necessary to get that device removed from your car and out of the hands of devious people.
With all that said, if you are ever given a traffic ticket or are caught with a device that can change street lights then do not hesitate to contact our Ticket Busters office located in downtown Las Vegas.
If you violate NRS 484B.320 or any other Rule of the Road in Nevada then our office is equipped to help you. We have assisted many thousands of individuals throughout southern Nevada and can do the same for you.
As previously mentioned, this statute is quite long. There are many more details to this statute but this article has provided the philosophy of what the NV lawmakers were thinking when they drafted this policy.
With it, they are deterring people from having and certainly utilizing dangerous devices that will cut down productivity for drivers and commuters in Nevada.
Facing Traffic Ticket Violation in Nevada?
If you or someone you know is facing a traffic ticket violation for having any type of device that can change traffic lights (or any ticket violation) then do not hesitate to call our team at (702) 666-6666.
Our attorneys are experienced and have a deep understanding of Nevada state law. We are here to help you fight your legal battles so that you can get back on the road as soon as possible.