No doubt we have all seen someone park their car in front a convenience store and quickly run inside to make a fast purchase. Perhaps you have even been that person at one time or another.
Although it sounds harmless enough, it is not allowed per the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS).
It makes sense because it does impede other vehicles and could also cause a disturbance to the actual business. Although the person conducting the action might think it will be a fast transaction how is he/she to know if there is a line or some other issue going on inside which could delay things.
If you do ever violate statue NRS 484B.440 and receive a traffic ticket you should reach out to Ticket Busters for help. After we have an initial strategy meeting with you (that is of no cost to you) we will then assign a lawyer to work your case with the intention to get your ticket reduced or sometimes even thrown out completely.
What Does NRS 484B.440 Say
The actual NRS that pertains to this sort of scenario is NRS 484B.440. It has two subpoints to it with the first one reading:
Upon any highway outside of a business or residence district no person shall stop, park or leave standing any vehicle, whether attended or unattended, upon the paved or main-traveled part of the highway when it is practicable to stop, park or so leave such vehicle off such part of the highway, but in every event an unobstructed width of the highway opposite a standing vehicle shall be left for the free passage of other vehicles and a clear view of such stopped vehicles shall be available from a distance of 200 feet in each direction upon such highway.
Our initial example was for a driver, parking his or her car in front of a business and running inside for a transaction. As the subpoint to this statute reads, not only is that scenario illegal but so is someone who parks their car in front of a business so that their passenger can run inside.
In other words, regardless of whether or not the car has someone inside, you cannot park, leave your vehicle or even stop your automobile in front or a business or a residential district. The same goes for stopping on a roadway. If that is your only option then this statute allows for it but if there are alternatives to where you can put your car then those locations need to be utilized or you will get a ticket.
If you do park or stop your motor vehicle on a roadway near a residential area or business front then you must ensure that there is ample room for other cars to pass by and that there is at least two hundred feet distance to the other roadways so that other drivers can continue to drive unimpeded.
Are There Exemptions to This Rule?
The second subpoint references those vehicles that are not functioning properly (disabled) as it states:
This section shall not apply to the driver of any vehicle which is disabled while on the paved or main-traveled portion of a highway in such manner and to such extent that it is impossible to avoid stopping and temporarily leaving such disabled vehicle in such position.
Obviously if your car breaks down and it will no longer operate or move forward then you really have no choice but to leave it where it stands. You may be able to put it in neutral and move the car to a more strategic location but that is difficult to do by yourself.
In most of these types of scenarios good Samaritans who are nearby will help but that does not always happen. If you are not able to move your car then there is not much else you can do. At least in this case, the way the subpoint reads is that you would not be given a ticket in the case your automobile is disabled. With that said, you should work as quickly as possible to find a tow truck to get your car off of the street and out of the dangerous situation.
What Are the Penalties for Violating NRS 484B.440?
Civil Fine
The fine/cost for violating this statute can vary depending on what part of the state the violation took place.
Typically the fine will be around $200.
Demerit Points
If you are caught and ticketed for this statute there actually are no demerit points that will be posted to your license.
However, violation of NRS 484B.440 may also accompany a violation of another NRS. For instance, if you illegally stop your vehicle then that is violation of NRS 484B.440 but if that action also impedes other drivers then that could be a second violation which does have demerit points associated with it. If you stop your car on the street and block traffic by doing so then you can expect additional fines and points.
*As a reminder, demerit points will remain on your record for one year. If you accumulate 12 demerit points at any given time then your Nevada drivers license can be suspended for six months.
Additional Insurance Expense
Most likely there would not be an increase as this would be considered a parking ticket by most insurance agencies. However, you should consult your specific agent to know for sure.
Is it Easier to Just Pay the Ticket and Be Done?
It certainly is easy to do that but is quite unnecessary.
It is not necessary because by conceding your ticket and paying the fine immediately you may be paying too much. By hiring a lawyer and fighting the ticket you may be able to pay less or possibly nothing.
It never hurts to consult with a lawyer and the initial meeting with Ticket Busters is of no charge.
Most Common Question: Do I Need to Hire an Attorney?
You do not have to but it really is in your best interest to do so. Hiring a lawyer from Ticket Busters can help save you time and stress.
Our lawyers are familiar with the ins and outs of the Nevada court system and can do much of the work needed to get your ticket resolved without you having to do it.
Will It Be Possible to Get My Traffic Ticket Thrown Out?
It certainly is possible but would depend on numerous variables. How strong the evidence is that you did indeed violate the statute would be one of the factors. Another would be if we can show that your automobile was not working properly and became disabled.
One final variable that also needs to be addressed is if there was an emergency situation that caused you to take the action that you did. For instance, if there was a close call for a car wreck and you stopped your car abruptly then with the proper legal defense, a case could be made that you were not in violation of NRS 484B.440.
How Will My Lawyer Defend My Charges?
The legal team at Ticket Busters will utilize some of the same variables that were referenced in the paragraph above.
Often times, there is not much evidence after the fact to show that you were in the wrong as it really just comes down to the police officer’s word against yours. If we address the ticket at a later date or in court, often times the details of the day you actually were ticketed can be fuzzy for the law enforcement officer that wrote the ticket.
If no witness statements were taken at the time then that is also in your favor. In these current times there are also many surveillance cameras on roadways and on stoplights that could also be used to help show that you were in the wrong. At the very least, if there is no footage of you committing the violation then that could also be used by our attorney.
As the Nevada driver, you do need to be aware that this statute applies regardless of how much traffic is actually on the road. As an example, if you work a swing shift as a hospitality worker and are driving home in the middle of the night when there are no other cars on the road and violate this statute you can still be cited by law enforcement.
Received a Citation? Call Ticket Busters
NRS 484B.440 is really just common sense. If your car breaks down then you probably do not have many options. If possible you should try to get your car to the shoulder of the road or to some other open spot out of harm’s way. The lawmakers of the Nevada law know that is not always practicable though and allow for the concession within this statute for those dealing with that issue to not get a ticket.
The other common sense idea about this statute is that people are not allowed to simply park their car wherever they feel like it, stop on a roadway or in front of a business or residential area. It is one thing to stop, have a passenger exit the car and then continue driving but to stop completely is not allowed. And it does not matter if your engine is still running or if your ignition is off. You still can be cited for a violation.
If you have received a citation due to NRS 484B.440 then please contact Ticket Busters today. Our legal team is here to help. We can provide you with the information needed to make an informed decision about your case and can also help guide you through the legal process that is associated with a Nevada traffic ticket. Don’t let this citation ruin your driving record – call Ticket Busters now!
We are here to help get your case dismissed without you having to go to court.