Running A Red Light In Las Vegas
If you have ever been stopped for any type of traffic violation you know how stressful it can be.
The flashing lights of a police officer behind your vehicle is never a good thing if you are pulled over for running a red light.
Throughout the state of Nevada these types of traffic violations can have various consequences and the authorities are always on the lookout.
Often you will receive a traffic ticket and possibly demerit points for running the red-light in Las Vegas.
The Nevada DMV uses this demerit point system to improve driver safety and is applied to the driver’s record once a conviction has been established by the court system.
While it seems like not much to worry about and a relatively minor offense, the fact is that running a red light can cost hundreds of dollars and put four demerit points on your record.
This can affect your insurance, your job and create all sorts of unnecessary problems in your life.
Ticket Busters can often get the charge lessened or even dismissed with no demerit points.
Is Running a Red Light an Infraction in the State of Nevada?
In some states, being in violation of running a red light may be considered a simple infraction with a fine.
In Las Vegas and all of Nevada this is not the case and disobeying a traffic signal is considered a misdemeanor offense.
A misdemeanor is a bit more serious and if convicted of running a red light your permanent record will be blemished. It could be seen by employers or other agencies that decide to do a background check on you.
Obviously, the more of these types of offenses the more problems may come with it. It is in your best interest to maintain a clean DMV record for a multitude of reasons.
At Ticket Busters our highly motivated and professionally trained staff will do everything possible to keep this from happening.
Running a Red-Light Ticket Can Be Expensive in Nevada
In the city of Las Vegas, a red-light ticket can cost you around $305. This is just a general amount only and if you happen to be in a work zone this price can easily double.
It is conceivable to face fines of up to $1000 due to the fact that it is considered a misdemeanor and you could also face up to 6 months of jail time for this violation.
Jail time is rare for traffic tickets but can happen depending on the situation.
This is why it is important to let the skilled lawyers at Ticket Busters to defend you from this ever happening.
Can Charges for Running a Red Light in Nevada be Reduced to a Non-Moving Violation?
A red-light ticket is no laughing matter when it comes to the courts in Las Vegas.
A defense attorney may be able to help in getting a red-light ticket reduced from a misdemeanor to a non-moving violation.
This can keep you from facing the maximum penalties in many cases.
This is also important when it comes to demerit points and the possibility of getting your license suspended.
The courts in Nevada will often work with a defense attorney in order to lessen the penalties but it is still possible that fines and a misdemeanor notation on your permanent record can still occur.
Ticket Busters will do everything in their power to help minimize the penalties.
Driver’s License and Demerit Points System in Nevada
It is important to understand how the demerit point system works in Nevada.
If you run a red light and get a ticket with conviction, 4 demerit points will be issued against your driver’s license.
The DMV will keep these on your record for 1 year. If you receive multiple violations throughout the year and your demerit points add up to 12 or more the DMV will suspend your driver’s license.
This suspension can last up to 6 months which can incredibly disrupt a person’s life and livelihood.
The affect this could have on an individual can be damaging if not handled properly.
It is important to speak with a ticket defense attorney in order to help reduce these violations to a non-moving violation.
These types of tickets have no demerit points and keep you on the road.
If you do happen to get too many demerits you can then request a hearing to fight the DMV and your license from being suspended.
This is another situation where you need to be properly and professionally represented in order to protect your rights.
Ticket Busters will be there for you every step of the way.
Call Today!
Traffic School and a Red Light Traffic Violation in Las Vegas
In general, when getting a citation for running a red-light traffic school is not required as one of the penalties in Las Vegas.
However, if you do plead guilty to the offense and appear at a Nevada traffic school within 5 days of your hearing this ticket can often be reduced from a misdemeanor to a non-moving violation which can make a big difference.
It may not change the cost of the fines required to pay but it can prevent you from getting the 4-point demerit on your Nevada driver’s license.
Traffic school is a much better alternative if possible.
How Does a Traffic Violation Affect My Insurance in Nevada?
Moving violations of all types including running a red light will definitely be noticed by your insurance provider.
Depending on whether you get demerit points or have it reduced to a non-moving violation will also make a difference.
Each insurance company is different when assessing each type of violation.
Some will increase your premiums no matter what, while others won’t if you get your ticket reduced to a non-moving violation.
An experienced lawyer can make all the difference in the world.
Call Ticket Busters today for a Free consultation!
Traffic Violations and Commercial or Out-of-State Licenses
If you are driving in Nevada with a commercial license or a driver’s license from another state the penalties for a red-light ticket will vary.
You will have to pay the fines to the court in Nevada but demerit points will be issued by the state that you have your license in.
Each state has different laws and a demerit point system so you will receive points based on the state your license is held in.
Getting an attorney from your own area may help to reduce the potential penalties and ticket impact that you may face at home.
A red-light ticket in Nevada with a commercial license has the same penalties than a regular driver’s license.
The difference is that you must tell your employer within 30 days of being issued the ticket.
An expert traffic attorney could be a real benefit in helping you with the details involving a traffic ticket against your commercial license.
Would It Be Easier Just to Pay the Ticket or Ignore it?
Of course, it is possible to just plead guilty and pay the fine and carry on with your life but, you will then have to worry about the demerit points that will go on your driver’s license record.
It may seem like the easiest solution but it is certainly not to your benefit.
You definitely don’t want to ignore the ticket.
Ignoring the ticket will unquestionably cause headaches and even more legal problems in the long run.
If a court date is issued and you don’t appear the court can send out a bench warrant for your arrest.
So don’t even think about it.
Imagine being arrested at work, home or just going to the store.
Ticket Busters can help make things easier and most likely lower your red-light misdemeanor ticket to a non-moving violation which is definitely in your best interest.
How Do I Fight a Traffic Ticket?
If you ever get charged with running a red light in Las Vegas and you want to fight it you can request a bench trial and have a judge hear your case.
Anytime you are involved with a judge and the legalities that come along with it, it is always wise to have a defense attorney with you.
Twice a week the Las Vegas Justice Court has special sessions just for traffic violations which allow prosecutors and counsel to come to a form of agreement regarding the case.
Sometimes in these cases there is evidence backing the officers claim when it pertains to the violation like; surveillance video, eyewitness testimony, pictures etc.
In most cases pertaining to running a red-light there is no evidence except for the police report that states that you disobeyed a traffic signal.
If a skilled defense attorney can raise issues to the prosecutor that the evidence is lacking and that there is reasonable doubt in the case then the charges may get reduced or dropped altogether.
With an attorney representing you it is reasonable to say that in many instances you may never even have to step into the courtroom.