Running a Stop Sign in Nevada
We have all done it, not completely stopped at a stop sign or rolled slowly through it because we are in a hurry.
Sometimes you can’t see the stop sign and don’t stop at all at the stop sign you didn’t see.
In Nevada this is a traffic violation or a misdemeanor and for the most part is not a serious crime.
Most of the time it’s not really a big deal and you may get a ticket.
On the other hand, running a stop can cause serious accidents involving injury or even death.
If you’re involved in an accident while running a stop sign or if you get pulled over and issued a ticket you should call the Ticket Busters in Nevada today.
What are The Stop Sign Laws In Nevada
It is illegal to run a stop sign in Nevada. Nevada treats it as a misdemeanor or a traffic violation.
The ticket however is not a cheap one, $395 and 4 demerit points on your driver’s license for a year.
Violating NRS 484B.257 can also include up to 1 year in jail and a $1000.
It is also illegal to pass a school bus that is stopped with the Stop sign out.
When children are crossing from the school bus traffic must come to a complete stop while this is going on.
Most of the time these sentences are not imposed unless you have a really bad driving record.
If you get a running a stop sign violation you should call the Ticket Busters immediately.
What Should I Do If I’m issued a Traffic Ticket For Running a Stop Sign
Once you are issued the ticket you need to deal with it as soon as possible.
If you were just issued a ticket you should call Ticket busters right away.
Ticket Busters will guide you through the process and may be able to get the ticket reduced to a non-moving violation and you won’t have any demerit points attached to your license.
Having no points on your license can mean the difference between having your license or having your license suspended.
Having 12 demerit points on your license can get your license suspended for up to six months in Nevada.
If you receive any demerits on your license your auto insurance can increase for up to three years.
If you were involved in an accident while running a stop sign you should get an attorney immediately.
Always get medical attention if you are injured.
Follow the instructions of the police officers involved.
Before you speak to the insurance company of either party involved in the accident you really need to call the Ticket Busters.
Defense of Stop Sign Violations in Nevada
Most of the time if you have a good driving record traffic violations can be reduced to non- moving violations and you can just pay a fine without much litigation.
You can also fight the ticket based on the merit if you have evidence available like traffic camera video.
Some examples of a viable defense are:
- Eyewitnesses saw the defendant come to a complete stop at the intersection. These eyewitnesses are able to report to the police or the court the fact that the defendant did in fact stop completely.
- Photos or video shows that the stop sign was not visible or not there at all. Sometimes stop signs are obstructed or maybe they’ve fallen or been hit and are on the ground. Even though the sign is missing or obstructed it is still a stop sign. Usually the court or Nevada DMV will take this into consideration when deciding the fine and or points on the defendant’s license.
- Surveillance video from a traffic camera shows the defendant came to a complete stop. Getting this video can be hard to get from the city, you can’t just call up and ask for a copy of a traffic camera video. Only an experienced attorney can get that video and get your ticket reduced or even thrown out. Ticket Busters has years of experience in Stop Sign tickets and can get your ticket reduced to no points and a fine or even completely dismissed call today.
Can I Get My Ticket Reduced or Dismissed
In Nevada you can get your ticket or penalty dismissed or reduced if you have a good driving record and no previous citations.
The courts may reduce your fine or reduce the charges to a non moving violation that carries no demerit points on your license.
This could mean the difference between having a license and not.
If your driving record isn’t that good and you get a ticket for running a stop sign the court might make you go to traffic school via the Nevada DMV.
This is a class usually given over the course of a few weeks where you go to have points removed from your license.
If the court requires you to go to traffic school you must attend all classes.
If you miss one you are considered failing to attend and will have to start over.
These classes are not free and are somewhat expensive but they will reduce points for you.
The goal with traffic school is to not have demerit points on your license so your insurance rates won’t go up.
What if I Ignore or Don’t Pay My Ticket
If you don’t take care of a ticket for running a stop sign in Nevada a bench warrant will be issued for your arrest.
In Nevada the DMV may even suspend your license without your knowledge.
A Bench warrant means that you can be arrested at any time.
The police will not look for you but if you get pulled over or if something happens involving the police you may be arrested.
At this point you definitely need an attorney because you will have to go to court and when you show up at court you may be arrested in court.
Hiring an attorney like the Ticket Busters is very important.
The Ticket Busters can work with the court to remove the warrant for your arrest and come to an agreement on payment of fines and the sentence imposed.
Going to court even for a stop sign ticket in Nevada is a bad idea and causes you to get a higher fine or longer sentence depending on your past record.
Why Call the Ticket Busters
Ticket Busters can get your ticket for running a stop sign reduced or dismissed in no time.
We at the Ticket Busters work with the court on a bi-weekly basis to resolve all types of traffic tickets including stop sign tickets.
We at Ticket Busters are quality attorneys with years of experience fighting traffic tickets.
- We offer free consultations
- We are available 24 hours a day
- We offer service in any languages including Spanish
- We fight for our clients to get stop sign tickets reduced or dismissed
Ticket Busters can get bench warrants squashed, this is something only an attorney can do.
Otherwise you might end up in jail and having to post bail.
The Ticket Busters offers services for all types of tickets including DUI, speeding, stop sign tickets and all other moving violations.
Call the Ticket Busters today if you were issued a stop sign ticket in Nevada.