From June 26 through July 12, police agencies in the Las Vegas area, including Nevada Highway Patrol and Las Vegas Metro PD, will be targeting speeders as part of a Joining Forces campaign. The campaign will feature aggressive enforcement of speed limits which will be apparent through high visibility patrols during the program period. For locals and visitors, this will be a period to slow it down to avoid getting a ticket.
What is Joining Forces?
Joining Forces is a program involving Nevada Department of Public Safety (DPS) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The state DPS applies for grants from NHTSA which are then awarded to local police agencies for enhanced enforcement of various driving laws during the grant period. The grants are used by the local police agencies to fund increased personnel costs and logistics of the focused area of attention. In most cases multiple police agencies are involved, so that several agencies within the area will focus on the same area of enforcement during the same time, hence Joining Forces.
This blog has highlighted Joining Forces campaigns in the past as they occur. The campaigns are not usually highly publicized, however many police agencies will sometimes publish news releases just prior to the beginning of campaigns.
Why the focus on speed?
The Fourth of July week is the beginning the busiest driving season of the year as people get out of the house and travel for vacations and other travel priorities. With more cars on the road, the chances of something going wrong increases. Nevada DPS estimates that 30% of fatal accidents in the state are highly influenced by speed. When something goes wrong, speeding increases braking distances and reduces the amount of time a driver has to react to avoid a crash or other driving complications. In order to get to your destination safely, it’s important to back off the accelerator and slow down. Knowing that police patrols will be targeting speeders is an increased incentive to do so.
Ticket Busters will be here if you do get a ticket
If you do get a ticket in Las Vegas or surrounding Clark County, Ticket Busters is your one stop solution to represent you with the local courts for your traffic violations. Whether you are a local resident, or traveling to or through Las Vegas, if you get a ticket here, we can handle your ticket violations with the appropriate court. We will save you the time of dealing with the ticket on your own. Furthermore, we will negotiate your ticket to reduce both the charges and the fines associated with your ticket. In many cases we can reduce your speeding ticket to the equivalent of a non-moving violation. This saves you increases in insurance premiums and points on your driving record. If you get a ticket in Las Vegas, call us at (702) 666-6666 or click the green button at the bottom of the page to text us your ticket.
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