Speeding can be very dangerous to everyone on the road, including the driver. Receiving a speeding ticket can hurt your driving record, causing insurance rates to go up, and the fine is typically around $200. However, receiving a speeding ticket in a school zone carries double fines. Speeding in a school zone can be very dangerous, as there are typically many kids walking to get to their cars after school.
Laws for Speeding in a School Zone
The Nevada Law NRS 484B.363 states that a person shall not drive a motor vehicle at a speed greater than 15 miles per hour in an area designated as a school zone. Also, Nevada Law states that a person shall not drive a motor vehicle at a speed greater than 25 miles per hour in an area designated as a school crossing zone. Additionally, drivers are not allowed to perform a U-turn or pass anyone in a school zone or school crossing zone. If you receive a ticket for speeding in a school zone, not only will you be fined double, you will receive an added penalty resulting in a misdemeanor. However, if you hit or injure a pedestrian while speeding, you will automatically be charged with reckless driving.
Exceptions to Speeding in a School Zone
The Nevada Law can be adamant on charges with speeding in a school zone, although there are some ways to fight the charges.
- School was not in session that day
- The yellow speed limit lights were not flashing indicating that the speed limit was in effect
- The incident occurred at least a half hour after school was out of session
- The incident occurred at least a half hour before school was in session
- The incident occurred during times that the school zone indicated the speed limit was not in effect
Penalties for Speeding in a School Zone
The fine for receiving a speeding ticket in a school zone is doubled from a regular speeding ticket. For example, if you receive a speeding ticket that costs $250, you would be fined $500 if it was in a school zone. It is possible that you can get your speeding ticket reduced, and having a clean driving record increases your chances. It is very unlikely that a judge will send you to court for a speeding ticket, but if you have a criminal history, it is possible. If you get charged with speeding 1-15 miles per hour over the school zone limit you will receive four demerit points on your drivers’ license. Speeding 16 miles per hour or greater over the school zone limit will result in six demerit points on your driver’s license. If you want to reduce your speeding ticket, you may have to participate in traffic school. Participating in traffic school can get your speeding ticket reduced to a non-moving violation, which carries zero demerit points. If you are facing license suspension, you may be able to fight it at the Nevada DMV hearing.
Road safety is very important to the driver and everyone else on the road, and speeding is the most common way drivers receive traffic tickets. Speeding in a school zone can be very detrimental, as there are many kids wandering around campus before and after school. The penalties of speeding in a school zone are far greater than a traditional speeding ticket, and it is best to watch your speed in a school zone, not only for your benefit, but also for the safety of the children around.
If you have been charged with speeding in a school zone, it is best to seek a legal team that will aggressively fight the charges for you, to get the charges reduced or even dismissed. Reducing a speeding ticket especially in a school zone is important, as the fines will be substantially lower and may carry no demerit points. At Ticket Busters, our qualified attorneys have had years of experience dealing with speeding violation cases and understand the rules of the road. Our attorneys will aggressively fight the charges for you in order to have the charge reduced or even dismissed.