In a demonstration by Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) on September 15 and 16, students at Palo Verde High School learned what happens when a DUI accident takes place. It was part of the “Every 15 Minutes” program that LVMPD puts on at several local high schools each year.
“Every 15 Minutes is a two-day program involving high school juniors and seniors that encourage them to think about personal safety when alcohol is involved, making mature decisions and recognizing that their actions affect others. It is based on the 1980’s statistics that every 15 minutes someone was killed in an alcohol-related incident,” said Officer Kelly Raybuck, program coordinator.
The setup of the program requires Metro to tow two seriously crashed vehicles to a location near the school. The scene is prepared with 4 students acting as victims positioned in various places at the “crash site.” Juniors and Seniors were taken to the reconstructed crash scene Thursday at 9 AM, and witnessed in dramatic fashion what happens when a fatal DUI crash takes place.
First responders, such as fire department, medical personnel, and police re-enact what occurs in a serious accident of this nature. One person was cut out of a mangled vehicle with the jaws of life. Also, a flight for life helicopter landed and transported a “seriously injured” student to the hospital.
The second day an assembly is held a 9 AM in the school gym to review the event, and reinforce the experience.
“Our hope is that we can challenge these teenagers to become more aware of the results of the actions with drinking and driving and the many lives it affects”, said Officer Raybuck.
The most recent Nevada FARS report, indicates there have been 24 alcohol related accidents in Clark County to date in 2016 resulting in 26 fatalities. This compares favorably with 2015 for the same period when 28 alcohol related accidents took place, resulting in 33 fatalities. Perhaps programs of this type are paying off in terms of raising awareness, and encouraging teens to consider the consequences of driving irresponsibly, especially where alcohol is involved.
Ticket Busters supports programs of this type and any other programs which can support the message that impaired driving is dangerous and has consequences far beyond those in the affected vehicles. We salute Metro for their commitment to this program and its message.