The nation is moving closer toward opening up and allowing life to reconvene which means two things–roads are getting busier and an uptick of speeding and reckless driving with the increase of cars on our roads. During the height of the coronavirus pandemic, speeding was very apparent on the roads as traffic and obstacles did not prohibit such drivers from driving above the speed limit. As drivers saw fewer officers on the roads and highways, it created a tendency to start committing traffic violations. Now that roads are lively again, drivers continue to speed, swerve and drive recklessly to get to their destination as quickly as possible.
Ticketing and Law Enforcement
Law enforcement stands-by and has increased the number of speeding tickets handed out, as speeding and reckless driving may result in injuries leading to hospitalization for drivers and passengers. Their goal with this initiative is to keep unnecessary hospitalizations from occurring to allow for more availability in the hospitals for those suffering from coronavirus. To avoid tickets and staying safe on the roads, it is always wise to follow defensive driving tips and tactics to ensure you are doing your part for the safety of you and your passengers.
5 Tips for Defensive Driving
Here are some helpful tactics to prioritize driver and passenger safety:
Use a ‘safety first’ mindset. By avoiding aggressive and unaware driving tendencies, you may prioritize the safety of those around you, both in and out of your vehicle. It will allow you to be in a stronger position to make decisions when addressed with reckless and poor driving behavior of others on the road. Keep plenty of distance between you and the car in front of you and always wear your seatbelt to protect you from being ejected or injured in a crash.
Keep your eyes on the road and pay attention. Frequently check and monitor your surroundings in your mirrors. Keep an eye on traffic conditions 20-30 seconds ahead of your current driving position. If a vehicle is showing signs of unsafe or reckless driving, slow down or pull over to avoid it. If you are worried for your and your passengers’ safety due to another driver’s behavior on the road, take the next exit or route an alternative path toward your destination to avoid risks. Always keep an eye out for motorcyclists, bicyclists, pedestrians and pets while driving.
Do not fully trust or depend on other drivers. You should be considerate of others on the road, but prioritize your safety and the safety of passengers in your car. Avoid speeding and reckless driving. Do not trust you know the next move drivers ahead, around or behind you will make. Avoid fast stopping and swerving, as you put yourself and other drivers at risk of motor vehicle collision or injury. Assume some drivers may drive unsafely, run red lights or stop signs, or take their eyes off the road so you may stay prepared to react.
Follow the speed limit. Speed limits along roads and highways apply to ideal circumstances and weather conditions. It is your role and responsibility as a driver on the roads to ensure that your speed matches such limits and does not put others at risk from your actions. Looking at speed limits for highways, increased speeds make your vehicle more difficult to control if an obstacle comes in the way, vehicles collide or your vehicle has a malfunction. Also, if poor weather affects the roads or highways in which you drive, drivers should use their discretion to practice safe driving and reduce speeds as needed for the safety of those in their vehicle and other vehicles sharing the road.
Mitigate distractions. Distracted driving is a common cause of collisions and reckless driving. Whether you are eating, talking on the phone, texting, or otherwise occupied while driving, your mind is not entirely focused on the actions you are taking while on the road. Operating your vehicle deserves your full attention.
Whether you enjoy putting the pedal to the metal or getting to your destination as quickly as possible, we recommend keeping your eyes peeled for reckless driving and follow speed limit guidelines to ensure safe and defensive driving. With the influx of speeding and reckless driving, it is important to drive with your full attention and no distractions, avoiding the role you could have in reckless driving. Share this resource with your friends and family members so they can recognize the dangers that speeding and reckless driving pose now that many people are back on the roads.