An Illegal U-Turn in Nevada
Taking a U-turn can save time and get you out of a heavy traffic situation. If a person makes an illegal U-turn, it can be costly and dangerous.
Usually when it is specified not to make a U-turn it is because it is an area where accidents have occurred. Intersections are common places where you may see this type of sign.
In Las Vegas there are many tourists and residents travelling the streets.
All types of cars and trucks share the busy roads as well as pedestrians. Taking a U-turn in the wrong spot may create a serious accident where injury or death may be the result.
Don’t chance getting in a crash or getting a ticket. Drive to the next turn area where it is legal.
This will save you the headache of having to deal with the legal consequences.
Illegal U-turns happen throughout the state of Nevada not just in the big cities like Las Vegas or Reno.
Make sure you know the rules of the road when it comes to U-turns.
Important Information About U-Turns
- Never make a U-turn at or near where the road curves
- Never make a U-turn on a hill
- You must have clear vision of at least 1000 feet in Clark County
- Make sure you are at a proper break in the road
- Always signal when making a U-turn
- U-turns must only be taken if in the far-left lane near the center or median
- After the U-turn accelerate to the appropriate speed.
U-turn tickets can be confusing. The ticket may have been given incorrectly. It is best to speak with an attorney that knows the laws inside and out.
Often, they can help you either lower the penalty or in some cases get the ticket thrown out altogether.
If you find yourself with a traffic citation for taking an illegal U-turn call Ticket Busters.
The first consultation is always free.
About Ticket Busters
Ticket Busters has provided defense counsel for over 50,000 people just in Southern Nevada.
They not only provide service for traffic citations but DUI, warrants and other criminal defense matters.
Highly skilled attorneys with tons of experience are available to you.
Ticket Busters also provides free strategy sessions and there is no appointment necessary.
Making a Legal U-Turn
There are legal ways to make a U-turn. In Las Vegas U-turns are definitely legal is some places and situations.
It is a common occurrence these days to come up on an accident, road construction or just heavy traffic around town and a legal U-turn can save you a major headache.
When coming to a traffic light and in the left turn lane a U-turn is legal if there is not a sign specifically posted as illegal.
Now when you’re on a major highway like Boulder Highway you can take a U-turn legally but only at certain areas.
There must be break in the road and an opening in the center median that would allow for this. Sometimes a U-turn situation happens when you are least expecting it.
This is why it is important to always think before reacting in an illegal manner.
When to Never Make a U-Turn
There are times when driving on the roads and highways where one should always restrain from making a U-turn. Accidents from an illegal U-turn can be deadly.
In Las Vegas you should never make a U-turn on a one-way street. This is pretty obvious because you will then be heading back directly into oncoming traffic.
Another dangerous place to avoid making a U-turn would be on or anywhere near a railroad crossing. Train tracks and trains are nothing to mess around with and claim many lives every year in the US.
If you are ever in fear that another vehicle could crash into you then a U-turn should not be executed. When traveling a highway where there are double yellow lines a U-turn should never happen.
If there happens to be low visibility due to rain, snow or fog a U -turn is out of the question. Never put your life or another’s in harm’s way by doing a U-turn. Take the extra time and stay safe out there.
U-turn as Defined by the State of Nevada
We all have a pretty good idea of what a U-turn is.
The State of Nevada statute states it in these terms. A U-turn is defined as turning a vehicle on a highway as to procced in the opposite direction, whether accomplished by one continuous movement or not.
NRS 484B.403 states that if a U-turn happens where it is prohibited in safety zones and work zones then there can be additional penalties.
U -turns are prohibited in a business district unless there is a proper crossing place that exists.
As you can see there are many different nuances of the code. It is best to get a traffic ticket lawyer to give you the advice that may help you further interpret the law.
Ticket Busters has expert lawyers that take on all types of traffic tickets like making a U-turn, speeding, running a stop sign etc.…Call Today!
What is the Penalty in Nevada for Making an Illegal U-Turn?
- Approximately $200+ Fine
- 3 Demit Points on NV License
Since Nevada does not have traffic infractions it is considered a misdemeanor.
A misdemeanor can carry up to $1000 in fines and/or up to six months in jail. Jail time is pretty rare in Nevada for this type of ticket.
If the ticket does not come with extra circumstances or additional penalties it is not uncommon for a judge to lower the demerit points.
They will often be able to change the ticket to a non-moving violation which is much better and carries no demerit points. With all these traffic
citations including a U-turn violation if you don’t take care of it and ignore it a judge may issue a bench warrant. This is definitely not the way to go.
How Could an Illegal U-Turn Ticket Affect My Insurance in Nevada
Because this citation is a traffic ticket your insurance rates could be affected. If found guilty it is highly possible that there could be an increase in your insurance premiums.
Today more than ever insurance companies like AAA and State Farm are looking for any opportunity to increase your premiums in order to keep up with the rising costs.
With the help of Ticket Busters, it is possible that a judge will lower the charges. This could help to prevent these rate increases from happening.
What About Traffic School and an Illegal U-Turn Ticket?
This is something to look into. In Nevada the judge could remove a demerit point if you were to complete traffic school. Traffic school can also get the charge lowered to a non-moving violation if you do this within 5 days of the ruling by the judge. It is best to speak with a knowledgeable attorney that can give you all the information available to get you the best results.
Traffic Ticket and an Out of State License
Getting a U-turn ticket with an out of state license will still come with fines. Whatever the point system of the state your license is in will determine the number you will receive.
When people come to Las Vegas and go back home their ticket doesn’t stay here it will follow them home.
Don’t neglect paying the ticket. Fines can snowball and turn into an even bigger problem. To fight an out of state ticket can be inconvenient.
It may be necessary to hire an attorney to fight it for you in court.
Can a Person Be Deported For U-Turn Ticket in Nevada?
If the person is a legal alien, then they will not be deported in Nevada for getting cited for an illegal U-turn. An illegal alien however may be deported.
What are the Attorney’s Responsibilities?
Whenever it comes to traffic tickets or any other issue that has to do with courts, judges and the legal system it is recommended to hire an attorney. The lawyers at Ticket Busters will do everything in their power to reduce or eliminate all together the ticket violation. All tickets come with their own set of circumstances and are unique. Overall, a defense lawyer can be of great help.
Ticket Busters Can Help
- Representing you in a court of law – You don’t have to spend personal time dealing with the headaches of lines and paperwork that comes with the ticket.
- Negotiate your case – The courts will negotiate every case. The attorney will seek every possibility in dismissing or reducing the penalty of the ticket.
- Conclusion – When the case is resolved and finalized with the courts the client will receive a final summary of the terms. This will include everything associated to the ticket including negotiated terms, reductions, requests and other items related.