Speeding tickets can easily ruin a driver’s day. Running late to an appointment or work? Fast driving may be a good looking option for getting where you need to go quickly. Unfortunately, drivers who are stopped for speeding may also receive tickets for offenses beyond speeding. Your speeding could be a gateway for additional problems.
Here are some tips to avoid a speeding ticket and stay off a police officer’s radar:
- Drive with the flow of traffic.
- Driving approximately the same speed as vehicles in surrounding traffic will keep you from being an eye catching hazard or obstacle on the roads. Typically, police officers look for cars traveling noticeably faster than other vehicles on roads and freeways. For example, if the cars grouped around you are driving approximately 5 miles per hour over the speed limit and you drive the same speed, you may improve your odds of not being pulled over and given a speeding ticket, even though you were technically driving faster than the posted speed limit, like the other vehicles in the traffic flow. Police officers typically have to choose one car to stop and if you go with the flow of traffic, it is likely that it may not be you. Of course, if you choose not to speed at all and drive following posted speed limits, you are improving the odds of not receiving a speeding ticket even more.
- Think of the buddy system.
- If you are driving and there is not a group of cars traveling at the speed you would like to go, find a ‘buddy’ or a single car driving at the same speed you are. The recommendation is to discreetly drive behind said car, not too closely. If a police officer is on the road and using their radar, your ‘buddy’ vehicle may be detected by the radar and there is a chance they will be stopped for speeding instead of you. The downside of this tip is if a police officer notices while driving behind you, as they may be more likely to pull over the car in front of them speeding.
- If you drive a fast-looking or bright colored car, it is wise to watch your speed.
- Attention-getting cars are often the most noticed speeder or reckless drivers. Car makers including Mustang, Ferrari, Camero, Challenger, Lamborghini, Corvette, as well as others, are eye-catching or attention-grabbing cars known for their speed and horsepower. Also, bright colored cars, think red, yellow, neon colors, or black cars with dark tinted windows also follow the same reality. Your car’s appearance counts and so does yours. If you and your vehicle appear to be responsible members of the road, you are more likely to stay off their radar or not look like trouble. Driving a less flashy, nondescript car, such as a standard colored sedan, will gain less attention than a bright colored Ferrari or sports car. Cars with bright colors, loud exhaust sounds or other attention-grabbing upgrades are more likely to catch a police officer’s attention.
- Drive safe and steady.
- By changing lanes quickly and frequently, or practicing reckless driving behavior, you have a better chance of being pulled over or receiving a speeding ticket. Avoid frequent lane changes, aggressive driving or tailgating other drivers. Prioritize using your driving signals and act courteously to other drivers on the road.
- Avoid the fast lane.
- When approaching the many highways in Nevada, or the spaghetti-bowl in Las Vegas, it can be tempting to change lanes to the HOV (high occupancy vehicle) lane or a far left lane in an effort to get where you’re going faster. In Nevada, the majority of drivers choose to drive in the far-left lane whenever possible. The far-left lane should be primarily used to pass a vehicle if and when necessary. If a police officer is parked along the median or monitoring car traffic, a speeding driver in the far-left lane may be the most likely target for the police officer’s speeding ticket.
At Ticket Busters, our experienced and skilled lawyers are here to help you. If you receive a traffic or speeding ticket, we’re your go-to resource for all of the assistance you need. Talking with a knowledgeable lawyer, who understands driving trends and speeding guidelines in Nevada, is important.