Hopefully, no one driving on roads in Nevada comes across an intersection with flashing lights and blows right through. The traffic lights are installed by the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) for a reason.
Anytime something is flashing, you have the responsibility as a motor vehicle operator to take note and assess the situation.
Anyone who has taken the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) driving test knows that a green light means the driver can proceed and a yellow light means that a (red) stop light is forthcoming. Notice we wrote that anyone who has taken the test…we did not say “passed” the test because this information is common knowledge to anyone who has ever been the passenger of a vehicle would be able to comprehend.
There is a Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) that pertains to flashing lights on traffic signals and that is number 484B.310. In case you are not aware of what an NRS is exactly we will provide a brief explanation here.
What Nevada Law Says About These Flashing Lights
NRS 484B.310 is titled “Flashing Signals” and reads as follows:
Whenever an illuminated flashing red or yellow signal is used in conjunction with an official traffic-control device, it shall require obedience by vehicular traffic as follows:
As we stated earlier in this article, the flashing signals need to be adhered to which should not be much of a shock to anyone remotely familiar with driving laws.
What to Do When You See Flashing Red Lights
There are two subpoints to this statute with the first one specifically referencing red lights with flashes and how drivers in Nevada need to react when they come across the situation:
1. When a red lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles shall stop before entering the nearest crosswalk in an intersection or at a limit line when marked, or, if none, then before entering the intersection, and the right to proceed shall be subject to the rules applicable after making a required stop.
Pretty much anytime we see a red light while driving we need to be aware of our surroundings, slow down, and most likely come to a stop when operating a vehicle.
If red lights are flashing then that should be a bigger reason to do all of those things recently mentioned.
This statute directs you to do just that.
If you come across red lights that are flashing quickly and intermittently then you are directed by Nevada lawmakers to come to a stop before the crosswalk just before the intersection in which the lights are located.
Once you have come to the stop, then the normal rules come into play to proceed so you would act the same you would after coming to any other kind of complete stop.
What to Do When You See Flashing Yellow Lights
The first part of this statute discussed what a driver in Nevada must do when they come across red flashing lights. The second part unsurprisingly discusses what to do when a driver approaches a traffic light with yellow lights:
2. When a yellow lens is illuminated with rapid intermittent flashes, drivers of vehicles may proceed past such signal and through the intersection or other hazardous location only with caution.
Unlike the first subpoint that informed drivers to come to a stop, the second part is not as strict. Much like driving on a surface road and approaching a yellow light, a driver can operate the same way they do if the light is green but they must be a little more aware that changes are coming.
This statute is no different as a driver who comes across a yellow light that is flashing quickly can simply proceed as normal. The caveat is that they must start to pay attention (hopefully they were paying attention before they got to the light).
As the statute reads, they must use caution. So, what was mentioned in the opening paragraph of this article, we always need to be alert and have extra senses working when lights are flashing. Chances are they are flashing for a reason so slowing down to identify the surroundings is very important.
Staying Safe
Anyone who listens to local news in southern Nevada is aware that violent car crashes occur every week with many of them causing fatalities. Most of them can be avoided which makes these accidents such a tragedy. When a car fails to obey the traffic lights, there is a high probability that a crash will occur.
If you were cited for failing to follow the flashing signals law then we can also help.
Running red lights and not slowing down to assess the situation when red and yellow lights are flashing is a recipe for disaster.
The laws were put into place for a reason so be sure to slow down and drive defensively so that we can lower the number of people killed in car wrecks here in the Silver State.
Oftentimes, flashing yellow and red lights are present to alert drivers that pedestrians are near and to stop or slow down for the nearby crosswalk.
Las Vegas is a very pedestrian city near the Strip and Downtown areas. There are many different options for shopping, breweries, antique stores and art galleries. Parking is tight and difficult, so people tend to walk in the vicinity instead of driving.
Although there are many more examples, the highest density of foot traffic is the Las Vegas Strip which is a part of Las Vegas Boulevard where the majority of resorts are located.
These are all likely places where NRS 484B.310 comes into play.
So when you see the flashing yellow lights, really be certain of your situation and most importantly slow down as there could be a crosswalk with pedestrians nearby.
For red lights that are flashing intermittently be sure to come to a complete stop before you get to that crosswalk. It should be no surprise that Clark County (which is the most populated county in Nevada and where Henderson and Las Vegas are located) usually has the highest amount of fatal crashes involving pedestrians.
Given a Traffic Ticket? Let Us Help You
When you reach out to Ticket Busters you can be assured of our willingness to help and our commitment to giving you the best service possible. Contact us immediately if you have been cited a ticket in Nevada for violating any of the Rules of the Road or a Nevada Revised Statute, especially that of NRS 484B.310.
We know that our customers are the lifeblood of what we do. We get a large number of our customers from referrals from people we have helped in the past. Anything involving the law in Nevada is a serious issue for the person dealing with the situation, so our office takes the same approach.
We promise to treat all of our clients with the utmost respect at all times and that not only means being courteous but also stay in contact so that you as the customer always know what is going on. We take a lot of pride in our service and ability to communicate with those that need our help.
We know our service cannot be beaten which is why we invite you to meet our team of professionals before you hire us. We are confident that when you come to our Downtown Las Vegas office and speak with us that you will know right away that you are in good hands. We have an “open door” policy and do not charge for strategy sessions which are used to get the facts of your case and determine the best outcome.